Its been nearly a year since the official launch and

The game still is not even complete. What I means is that there important features missing from the game. D4 is a battle (dot) net platform client. How come we don’t have in-game grouping and community features. Most of the clans are dead zones. D3 has robust community and match making features to allow for grouping. WoW has LFG and other grouping/community features that make connecting with others in-game super easy. How come we don’t have these features in D4, YET Bizz wants to sell the game at full price. It should be a relative easy task to copy and modify D3’s community features and match making code and add that functionality to D4. I’m saying it should be EZ to do and get it patched into the game in about 1-2 weeks. Write the code, test it, and run it through the PTR for a week. This is EZ mode for Blizz and Blizz has access to all of the Micro$oft money.

We (the players) paid for the birthday cake and 3 candles yet we have half eaten corn muffins with some stale movie popcorn butter (aka corn oil with food coloring). Do I really need to use a 3rd party service such as Discord to connect with a small fraction of the D4 player base in order to find groups… especially when my usual running mates are unavailable?


Correction here, it’s had a number of sales since launch, ranging from 15% to 70% off.

While I get your frustration, and it shouldn’t be this way, the devs have commented on the very things you’re asking for (several times actually), but sadly they haven’t given us a time as to when expect changes. They won’t comment anymore then they already have until something concrete comes out.

Again not that your complaints aren’t valid, they are, but at this point all we can do is wait.

I hear you Iggi, but what you call a sale is still the full price for a game that is essentially incomplete. The price at launch was essentially heavily inflated B.S. They can announce that they are working on an expansion in less than a year but can’t add the community and match making features to the game? D3 this right there. WoW is right there. The battle (dot) client code is already there. All they have to do is copy and modify and the D3 and WoW teams are right there for them to consult and/or help them get the work done. Why would we or should we wait when June 5th is less than a month away. If they want to show that they are working in good faith, they should do this:

  1. give out 500 of those in-game shop tokens for each season we don’t have those community and match making features (we are at season 4)
  2. since the premium battle pass costs 1000 tokens, item #1 would make it half price (so premium battle pass is half price for the next 4 seasons)
  3. Halving the price of the battle pass described above would be independent of any price discounts for the game in the shop
  4. See problem. Acknowledge problem. Fix problem (the lack of in-game features problem). This leads to NO problem, more fun and a more enjoyable experience.
  5. A more enjoyable in-game experience and the player base would have the next 4 seasons of being trained into getting the premium battle pass, which leads to more consistent purchasing habits

As of right now, why would I give Blizz more $$$ when they can’t fix something that is beyond simple? They have the recipe and the ingredients.

Oh you absolutely shouldn’t, I completely agree with you. If the game isn’t up to the standard people want it at by the time the expansion rolls around I’d highly recommend not buying it. Truthfully you won’t be missing much in the grand scheme of things. Some FOMO items and a battle pass title, that would be about it.

I’m skeptical myself. I’ll give them praise for the current patch, but yes the game is far from being ‘done’. We’ll see what happens by expansion time. If certain QoL features turn into expansion selling points, then I’ll just wait for a sale honestly.

Mostly because you know it’ll have bugs they’ll have to work out for the first season or two. I can wait.

Because its live service like destiny 2 etc. Yes it probably should have been released like it is now versus when it did. But that also means the feedback wouldn’t have started until now. so at least they have had a years worth of feedback, to guide them on things that work and things that don’t. Yes i much prefer boxed offline games. i think they make better games, online seems to always come with issues unique to the platform.
But this is the route they went with.

Speak with your wallet. Buy nothing from the store, no battle pass, no nothing. If the expansion isn’t a decent price ($40 tops for me), don’t buy it.

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Yeah, FoMo for Blizz games just isn’t there like it use to be. I was hoping Blizz would have gotten themselves and the game sorted out by now. School is done and I want to get some game time in and not have to work for it. I don’t want to go to Discord and hunt for party mates. My clan mates are off-line. Frieds are in other games and they don’t feel like reading the patc notes. We are all in complete lazy mode. It should be login, click, click, click, and let the game get me a group. 1-50 is fine for the mindless droning in the helltides, but once 50 hits and WT3 I need to get in them dungeons to progress the paragon board.

…And yeah I’m not lusting after the expansion. They need to fix some stuff in the current game and not try to push those QoL items to the Ex Pack.

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What is worse is that that you can tell the features that should have been in the base game are being held back for the expansion. You will see the defenders on the forums trying to justify the new patches when all they have done is minor modifications to existing loot and skills.

I really hope Blizz is not trying to play this ^ game. Last Epoch is still way ahead of D4 and those guys are looking to add a lot of goodies to an already very good game. LE is just 1 game I have several others that I need to get back into. So, no need to lust after the D4 Ex pack.

#PleaseFixD4BaseGame #D4Season4Disappointment