Lacking social system

I personally dont know how this can work.

Open a Nmd 50 for example and people join during your run?

Dunno… in d2 wasnt it alwa,s o e bot porting to throne and 7 leechers ?

I dont think d2 had much social features…
Only thing i remember is ppl crying in gen chst after 300 pindle runs still no hr

Maybe cause items in d4 still not special?

Fractured winterglass makes cold sorc viable, sure it works without but not as good.
Ppl get it after 30 zir runs now.

They need pre uniques for uber uniques like in D2.
In d2 it was Shako midgame, opens all builds and griffon uber unique replaces it to make good build gozu.

We kind of skip midgame now. And no reason to really trade.

If you saw someone with enigma in d2 it was special, you chatted and traded. In d4 you basically need fractured winterglass for a build to work.

The, gotta fix that, if thats fixed chat comes

We need incentive to chat. Nothing is “wow” in this game, everyone can do most things solo. The only reason ppl grp is to share mats for spawns. And the ones who dont grp and play solo are to lazy to add ppl complicated and join discords.

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people wouldnt leave if they join LFG, why would they after paying the ticket?

if you group manually, use 4x of mats

if you grouped via LFG, use 1x of mats

it really isnt difficult to implement

now if everyone decided to do this 4 times, you would use 4x of mats, which is just 1 full rota if you group normally

Not only social but economic too. Looking for 3rd party website and discords to trade is a$$, and alianate the majority of the player base.

Not everyone is as cripplingly introverted as you are? Is that a shock?

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I only play with family, in real life friends or guys I was in the services with. You could be one of those “uwu” freaks for all I know.

the only good thing in diablo immortal. match making pvp battlegrounds would be nice.
an AH would be awesome!

No it’s not LOL

Maybe the internet just isn’t for some people

oh puhleez get over yourself with that rotten attitude. there are ppl who just wanna kill mobs with other ppl around regardless if it’s just randoms

Join a clan. I run one its been the best way to always have people to play with. However they do need to update the clans in D4 as well.

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Ah so you’re just an antisocial holier than thou weirdo with negative charisma, got it.


That is great news

Now about game balance in S4 and Tempering :sweat_smile:

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are you aware there is a bug reporting section

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İ am

Are you aware blizzard hasnt responded in like a week to any of them ?
Even acknowledging there is a problem is a step

if I had a dollar for every time we heard that in the last 12 months from you lot…

Boomer level memeing. Stick to facebook.

Barrens chat 2.0, I do think it would be helpful to have a gen chat channel tho.

Your friends went to different games? How could anyone want to play something other than this well polished masterpiece?

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I am not too interested in making “friends” so much as I would just prefer to play on a team, to do coop, to do quests, Helltides, etc. in a group. Some of the best times I ever had online gaming was in Diablo 2 with a fresh new character joining a group and playing through. I once had the fortune to get a good group in Normal and play all the way through to Hell at the start of a ladder. It was especially good with the variety of characters and how they complimented each other when no godly level 90+ rusher was there.

My one sad experience was having to go to Discord, minimize the game and find a player in the Bnet app to add them as a “friend”. Huh? Are you serious Blizzard? I just wanted to join a “game”, not add people to a friends list, not have to go to Discord.

There are at least 2 instances when during Helltides that people have grouped up. Downside is the small party limit is a continued legacy of the disaster known as Diablo 3.

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