Kixxarth, Helltide Assassin is Lootless

Just killed him in a Helltide and he dropped NOTHING. No gold. No cinders. No trash items. Literally NOTHING. Not a single thing. Is this a symptom of the patch, like the massive nerf to the cinder drops?

…le sigh


Took me 45 minutes to farm 250 cinder. This can’t be intentional.


It’s a bug.

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The entire game is lootless.


Don’t you know it’s our job as the players to QA test the game for Blizzard? :clown_face:


same here, and my mystery chest gave me 2 rare sacred, 3 sacred legendries 8 souls and my character is lvl 100 feels bad

but for real they’ve done this time and again.
Here’s a patch, oh, it broke things and needs a hotfix barely a few hours later.


That mob is the best example of the devs trolling it’s player base.

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Yeah but at least he used to drop as much as a world boss.

HellTides are completely broken now.

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Working as intended. -The Dev Team

oh it’s definitely intentional.

To be fair he was also lootless before the patch.

Seemed he was a harder fight than the world boss tbh and he dropped nothing for me

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No it isn’t, check my edit.

where does that mention kixxarth not dropping any loot items?

Where did my original post mention kixxarth?

I had the same thing happen to me when I killed off one of the roaming helltide bosses solo. I’m not sure if it’s related, but there was also a group killing off Kixxarth about two screens away, and it did drop loot as normal. This was about 2 weeks ago though and hasn’t happened since. The helltide roaming boss drops have generally been mediocre though for the amount of time taken for average players.

This entire game is a ‘Bug’

Nothing to see, here. Move along…Working as intended®