Keep getting hung up on a loading screen. Lost a NMD due to this

I was in the middle of my first Tormented Andarial fight.

same issue here just started 10 min ago w/ loading screen

same problem. I also noticed before I opened the game that there was an update.

Sim. JĆ” aconteceu pelo menos 4 vezes comigo nos Ćŗltimos 30 minutos. Ontem tambĆ©m aconteceu de eu estar colocando tĆŖmpera em um item, e depois de uns 3 minutos dele ficar Ć³timo o jogo fechou e informou q os dados nĆ£o foram salvos. Quando retornei o item estava sem as tĆŖmperas e tive q recolocar. Infelizmente nĆ£o ficaram da forma como estavam antes.

This. Funny thing is Iā€™ve not once had this issue before the patch.


game crashes when loading NMD

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nope here also I lost 2 NM dungeons because i reloaded the game because I thought it was my PC

Same issue here. Iā€™ve been enjoying the new season and was looking forward to getting some d4 time in tonight. Guess I need to find something else to play.

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Took a good 1 min + but I got back in. As a dedicated HC playerā€¦be careful friends.


Fell asleep in my chair after being at work all day, and now Iā€™m stuck in town. Awesome.

Im hoping my favorite 100 barb build didnt get offed by server difficulties. Easy way to die from something stupid and uncontrollable.

lost 3 beast in ice runs because of thisā€¦

glad to see it is not just me

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Looks like its functioning properly again

Logging in to test now

Iā€™m technically in the game, tooā€¦but thereā€™s invisible walls everywhere and I canā€™t get back to the zone I was in when I got disconnected.

omg help!!! i cant log in and i canā€™t play the game is broken!!!

Same. This is contsant. The game just freeze, either opening my inventory, on busy Helitide screen or when loading a dungeon.
Never had any issue since the launch last year. And now it is constant.

Iā€™m able to log in but Iā€™m getting stuck on loading screen when trying to portal to another town.

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Can we get a Hotfix for the patch, ffs?