Keep getting hung up on a loading screen. Lost a NMD due to this

Anyone else having the same issue? Ever since the update, I either get stuck on the loading screen to an NMD, losing it in the process due to resetting the game, or stuck on loading screen after NMD is done.

Just me?


yup happened to me and a few clan members


I can’t even log back into the game now


yea me too.

Cant get into Pit, NMD, other Towns
Something is going on, just wait i guess.

same here!!!fix pls!

Not able to head into Ruins of Qui Sara, invisible wall. Was trying to do stronghold to open a NMD.

I just lost a bunch of mats to start Tormented Andariel and I wouldn’t mind if it wouldn’t take so long to farm this sh!t.

And what ticks me off is knowing that they set this up, because there are losers who will quit the fight they are losing in order to get their materials back, so to prevent this exploit, they coded in a way that once you use the mats to summon the boss, you lose the mats no matter what.

Otherwise if people wouldn’t exploit such things, we’d have something implemented to prevent such losses.

Nope I am about to lose my second nmd you know the beast in ice …uhg

My necro is doing an endless dancing and now I can’t go back in the game. I think the necro minions are killing the server :laughing:

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It would appear that the patch that “Fixed an issue where some players were timing out when initially logging in to the game” has caused an issue where all players are timing out when logging into the game. :joy:


yea something broke, i cant go into anything. hitting lots of invisible walls


yeah can’t tp anywhere without the infinite load screen atm


I can login, but when portaling to another town, gets stuck in loading screen.

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A patch dropped and then this happens.

Geez bizz

Yep same. Trying to finish up some dungeons for renown and can’t get into them… infinite loading screen.

same for me as well.

i can login on other toons but not my main toon.

Been having the same issue for 10+ mins now. Cant’t even login. Between this and Tree of whispers loot glitch a few days ago…pro moves Blizz. /s

Same here just started today

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ive noticed it only happens when you get the rendered loading screen with your character standing with its weapon etc. really annoying