Keep getting hung up on a loading screen. Lost a NMD due to this

Same here I can go into strongholds and go stuck in a load screen when porting to town

Same thing here. cant get back in to the game after I force quit and tried to re-log.

Well, I see it is not just not me having this issue within the past 10 minutes.

there has been a hotfix. maybe its related to it. try restarting the whole game? eventually even the launcher if it doesnt start the update.

Yup, same, started like half an hour agoā€¦

Just happened to me too. Stuck on loading screen from teleporting to a city and had to hard close the game. Now my character is stuck in a que to get in. (Been in the q for about 10 min)

Thatā€™s not fixing it. Forced closed it 6 times now just trying to TP anywhere on the map. Already patched the hotfix

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infinite load screen here as well

very nice patch :slight_smile: Thanks

They must be clearing the inventory cache file :slight_smile:

hmm sorry to hear. was just wondering as these threads popped up just now when the hotfix came.

Yeah this really went down hill in just the last 20 minutes (ish)

i get loading screen bug also

its probably everyone :frowning:

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yep same thingā€¦ just get stuck loading into nightmare dungeons till I close the game and lose the sigal. Ever since the update.

Yep canā€™t even get past character selection screen right now

My group was in a NMD and we experienced a huge lag spike. After completing the dungeon we got stuck on the loading screen also.

DOOOOOOOD they broke it!

ayyeeee this is happening to me as well, fksake

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Same. I have relogged in 5 times now and keep getting infinite load screens. Now I am on my xbox I posted in the consolw forum. Seems to be happening to all platforms.