Keep getting hung up on a loading screen. Lost a NMD due to this

glad to see it is not just me

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Looks like its functioning properly again

Logging in to test now

I’m technically in the game, too…but there’s invisible walls everywhere and I can’t get back to the zone I was in when I got disconnected.

omg help!!! i cant log in and i can’t play the game is broken!!!

Same. This is contsant. The game just freeze, either opening my inventory, on busy Helitide screen or when loading a dungeon.
Never had any issue since the launch last year. And now it is constant.

I’m able to log in but I’m getting stuck on loading screen when trying to portal to another town.

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Can we get a Hotfix for the patch, ffs?

should we expect anything less

Can’t even play at the moment. Constant stuck at loading screen after a couple game restart.

It also has memory leaking issue. The program was crashed due to running of memory after a long infinite loop

Just tried now, Starting NMD caused infinite loading screen.

don’t waste your materials

another form says disabling crossplay worked

Well, thought it was working fine again.

Was able to zone in to do an echo of Andariel. Ported around to a few towns with no issue. Then decided to do a pit and got stuck on loading screen again upon entering.

yep same here. friend on xbox had this issue and now pc has it. come on blizzard

I was fine until just now. Reloaded the game and got back in and was able to port fine this time. But definitely something going on with them.

iSSUE still happening ?

I got stuck in game queue for 5-10 minutes the other day and was constantly loading into the world when it did try to join and go back to the character select. Figured it was maybe my internet being wonky but maybe not after reading reports.

Also happening here, after never having any issues at all with Diablo4

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