Just some thoughts on dungeons

I am enjoying the game quite a lot. The enviroment, sound, feel all feel fantastic. I like the slower style combat (which we’ll see if it carries on to later game) with the dodge mechanic so you can move out of cones and abilities easily.

The biggest concern, and probably something that might or might not be alleviated after the end game interview after beta is dungeons. If dungeons are the de facto end game content, it would be fantastic to have a bit of variety within them. Maybe different settings and map variants that could trigger based on the region you’re on with modifiers similar to PoE? Some examples would be like…

Survival challenges, an arena setting with hordes of mobs being sent at you.

Tower defense or a mini warfield setup of NPC warriors vs hell and you need to lead them to victory.

The simple “use the objects” similar to what we saw in beta, or find the key type setting.

A mega boss that has something empowering him in dungeon, so you can face him directly at full power, or weaken him a bit before facing him.

Hell, maybe even some puzzle style dungeons that you can get bonus rewards for completing.

The end bosses while difficult (I enjoy that WT2 has somewhat stronger bosses) seem to be lacking some extra oomph with the skill mechanics. I think looking at PoE and lost ark shows there is some room to grow in this area as well. But as we’re not sure what true end game looks like, that may be a different story depending on what the after beta interview is like.

Obviously I know these are not simple changes, and we will likely not be seeing changes from the game we currently are viewing to the launch in 2 months but there is potential for the game to age well and grow into a much better and well developed game.

I’m curious what you all would change in regards to the dungeons in game? Did you enjoy them? What didn’t you enjoy about them?

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