Just remove Barb from the game

Lol season 5 basically removed Barbarian. Literally S4 Sorcs key passives do more damage than all of the reworked key passives barb will have in S5.


Can we stop with the “DUH, my class got nerfed just remove it from the game” threads? Sorcs were unbearable enough already but geez, are we going to deal with barbs now too?


The drama queens are out in force today. :crown:


The sky is almost always falling. For at least 1 person, if not more.

I started getting into HC this season, just taking it slow for now. I was gonna roll a Barb in S5 first up, but might go Sorc instead.

Did they cut Rogue’s best Key Passives by over 70% before the patch?


Barbs are understandably upset because this was not what was promised to them and the players.

The Rule of :cool: turns to the Rule of nerf - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums (blizzard.com)

Lmao Barbs are the biggest whiners around. Gushing wounds is still one of the best key passives in the game but somehow they’re unplayable, remove it from the game.


No it’s actually just garbage after this change. Possibly the worst key passive in the game.

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I read the links above and for me personally in my personal opinion, it’s a nothing burger. One key passive I use is nerfed. So it’ll take me longer to kill bosses. Might have to rethink a few rare nodes in my paragon board.

I personally don’t want a cake walk melee character so I don’t care if the meta builds can’t do silly amounts of damage.

Nerf my toon down to a butter knife and I’ll still do melee hack-n-slash.

Except they nerfed all Key Passives. And by nerfed I mean “I genuinely wonder if they are worth the skill point”

Dont worry im sure there will be an exploit or bug or as some people think working as intended interaction that was missed.

Since this can happen anywhere but more pronounced when they are making bigger changes.

Wait til the dust settles, you might be surprised.


You can say that about all classes. There is a reason why I only play the Barb and it has nothing to do with their damage output, good or bad.

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I do not give a damn about classes or class balance so barb can stay and be as OP as they want.


We went from remove Druid to remove Barb :rofl:

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The very definition of Barblo 4 with transmogs and skill VFX. Everyone roll the default barb and if you want to dress it as a sorc - buy the transmog and the skill VFXs. :rofl:

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if the nerf still inadequate, blizz please nerf more.

no build should ever do billions-trillions of damage that kills world bosses and Duriel in 1-2 seconds.


So yeah you do want Barb just removed from the game, thanks for supporting my thread

you’re welcome. i always like to pamper you guys.

i believed just 2 weeks ago i saw the similar thread with sorc as the subject.

Barb has two addition two handed weapon slot, I am sure the player able to find the damage Barb need to be on par with other classes. Let’s sit down and take out a paper and pen, do some math and calculate why with 2 extra two handed slots your damage cant match with other class post nerf.

The dev should nerf Barb HP as the extra weapon slots roll with max life also. It is still over power in defense after this nerf.

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So when Sorcs are hitting for billions in Season 5, I’m sure you will be cheering on for Blizzard to nerf them just as hard right