It's time for a little feedback

I have had time to marinate on my thoughts of the recent beta, here we go.

Leveled a Sorc to 25
Rogue to 25
Tried the Barbarian (don’t know what y’all are complaining about)
Killed a World Boss
Did the first portion of the campaign.

So, I have some feedback for Blizz.

World Boss:
Camera is ok, it needs some tweaking. Even if it is pulled way out, you cannot always see the boss, got killed a few times when I was running back and the boss did their move just outside of camera shot and killed me again. The fight itself was ok, didn’t see any bugs, and the mechanics were just right for the type of ARPG/MMO hybrid the game is. Boss dropped a ton of legendarys, which was fun to see.
maybe make the boss a little smaller and pull the camera back further.

Follow Camera:
I’d like to be able to pull it way out. Like World Boss pull out camera. AS is, it feels a little confining.
put the camera on a slider so we can adjust it to whatever we want.

I know you want this to be semi-mmo. And I understand that out in the world. But at least make the towns instanced like the dungeons. Going into MY room with my stash and wardrobe and seeing like 6 people just milling about in there is emersion breaking.
Make towns instanced like dungeons. Or give us a solo option, that way we can either be alone in town or with everyone else.

Love them, almost perfect, a bit repetitive… Can’t wait to try nightmare dungeons.
Need a way to port to the beginning of the dungeon, from the end of it.
More variation in the dungeon maps

Great job, don’t change a thing.

XBox S/X UI is a little iffy, I don’t like the layout of it though. I prefer D2R and D3 UI on console.
Tweak the UI to be more like either D2R or D3.

Need more skill slots. We’ve got a lot more choice in spells in D4 than in previous games. Right now, I think we have 6 slots available. I’d like 10 or 12.
Make the LT a modifier, so it shows alternate skill buttons. And for those that enjoy it (I don’t) make the console versions compatible with KB/M.

Skill tree:
Window is too small, I want to see the whole thing. Other than that, I like what you did with it and it’s progression.
Make the window much bigger so we can see everything.

The socket on gear is too small, depending on the piece I couldn’t even see if it had a socket, unless I read the itemization on it.
Make the indicator bigger or change the color.

Trade skill UI:
These felt really clunky, and not at all intuitive. I don’t know if it’s bad design, or if I am just not used to it yet.
I don’t know., time will tell.

Cost of things:
25K gold for a low level piece of gear? That’s a little high. Increasingly expensive respecs and trade options, also getting way too expensive. “It’s better to start a new character than respec,” is ridiculous.
Cut the cost of everything WAY Down.

That is pretty much it for me. I am sure others have things they want to talk about. I enjoyed my time in game. It did sometimes feel a little empty of things to kill, and sometimes I got overwhelmed with trash mobs, so there needs to be a better balance there. The combat could could be more fluid, but that may just be me and I will get better at launch with time.

Not bad Blizzard, not bad at all.