It's not even fun for casual players

It was a blast before they turned into a grind feast. What’s the point of crafting and modding gear when the cost and drops are stupid? Why not promote your own game by allowing people to explore it, stunningly bad decisions recently.

I was totally in, planned to play every season and all classes. Even planned to kick in for plats for SWAG. Major bummer and out for the foreseeable future. The upcoming sad patch isn’t even close.


He’s not a core gamer, he has big IRL issues, like stalking the forums like that and spending more time doing that then probably anything else in his life is not healthy.

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Who in their right mind would want to run the campaign again?
As it it , im stuck on reknown with only " mmo questing " to get me over the hurdle. i refuse to do it.

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LMAO… this Constantin guy is a shizo.

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Blizz had to nerf mob density due to the overwhelming overhead from mobs having to load each other’s stash tabs.


I got to level 50 in just under 9 hours.

Cool, only ten more lvls and you can uninstall. :ok_hand:

Nothing to see 60+

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I got to level 70 yesterday and after running normal dungeons in WT4 with my friend for more than an hour I barely reached the second paragon point (i.e. halfway through to level 71). It’s absolutely excruciating not having any progress despite playing the game a lot.

I got barb and sorc to 100 in pre-season and it never felt as bad as it does now when it comes to levelling. The game has turned into an absolute boring, unrewarding slog. Most of the gear I’m wearing is still Sacred as I’ve not been able to find any upgrades in WT4 as most of the stuff that drops is in the 640-680 range despite running level 20-25 NM dungeons with friends.

If it continues like this I don’t think I’ll be aiming to get to 100 with this seasonal character. I’ll just finish the battle pass (got 10 levels to go) and put the game down. It’s just so not fun at the moment.


I have stopped at 72, 69 and 61

Now i have uninstalled and are playing Solo-Selfound ruthless PoE instead.

Well you choose to play a game that is all about long grinding, so you either adapt to that, or you choose a different game that suit more for your time. Why should the game be made for you? What is the benefit the company to make the game be played less ? Also what about the players that have more spare time than you AND want to spend it in that game and want to spend it in more grinding including xp? Why do you think only for yourself?

Just wait until you get into the 70s. You’ll really be tested then because it becomes even more of a slog and you’ll be forced to answer how much you really care about getting to 100. For me, it killed all of my momentum and I just started an alt.

I play an hour almost everynight and never passed 80 on either my eternal realm character nor my seasonnal character. I can feel the pain for you. But is the leveling itself really the problem here or the lack of early fun content… I really enjoy the game passed 50. Helltides and NM dungeons pushing is fun and challenging to me. But farming renown, most grim favor and normal dungeons are not challenging enough like NM dungeons or are impactful enough like helltides. I would love to see grim favor more like mini helltides event and bump the 1 grim to 2 grim so went you finish a grim zone you have enough to go to the tree.

It is both lack of fun content and leveling itself.

People want to level up in this game because of how the scaling and progression works.

I love the story so I have done it 3 times. I dont have to play wheres the most XP as just doing the story can get you way past 50 if ya follow it and kill everything.

Best comment I’ve read in a minute, thanks for that.

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Final Fantasy 7, 8, 9 and 10 have great stories and feel to them. As for other genres, Silent Hill 2 for horror story and Metal Gear Solid 2 for action story if you ask me.

now keep in mind that blizzard wants you to do this every 3 months.


I feel the same as OP. The game feels like a chore. It doesn’t feel rewarding. The gear is very bad. Why am I getting Level 40ish gear in Tear 3? Tree of Whispers is a waste of time versus the crap rewards you get. Helltides? Same lousy gear in the Helltide Chests. There’s nothing to do in EndGame that feels fun. I rushed through the Campaign to get here. The campaign was actually fun…But whats the point of playing it again when there is no good gear to shoot for. No good build diversity? Every Toon plays and feels just like the next… I was hopeing to invest a bunch of time playing this summer. Now Im bored as F…


Im lvl 58, Im as casual as it gets, Im having fun.
Its a time killer, thats all it is, I came from D2R and Played alot of War Thunder <—(you wanna talk about a grind?)
Its just a time killer when not living real life.
Im fine with leveling but the lvl 48ish to Capstone, Its abit slow in that area on WT3… Get a few runs in in and before and after work if my toddler lets me.
Point is, im still having fun

Im not trying to White Knight this game, I got to 80 Pre Season and did find myself, Saying well wtf am i gonna do now, try and push one more higher NMD? It did get tedious.

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It’s stupid for a company like Blizzard to sell a game with Alpha issues, and expect no complaints… and yet, here we are :).