It's not even fun for casual players

Im sure they just have algorithims that filter your dumpster takes out

Wait until later !

I just did a NM 29 dungeon at level 70, I came out with a total of 32 golden items, 10 ancestral that immediately went to being sold, and 1 sacred legendary.

You see ? It gets so exciting later on …


They just made all the mobs level 5 level below you in the open world to cater for the level scaling morons. This has literally made it impossible to level in the open world at all unless your doing hell tides. Maybe you should do some research before you make statements that make you look incredibly stupid.


Its all getting buffed on the 8th, Hence why Im holding off on my Sorc till the patch and playing my necro which is easy mode this season

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Post shaming… A new low has been found.


They are not going to revert the level scaling changes because they were a populist move. They had no actual benefit just extreme negative ones but it made some smooth brains happy so it was a success as far as they are concerned.

They can buff the xp by 300% but its not going to do anything if everything is 5 levels lower than you. Maybe they may make NM dungeons slightly less tedious but that’s all we can hope for. The over world is dead forever now for leveling.

What are you talkking about the y are upping density all over. as well as the XP you get for lesser level mobs and more for higher level mobs. what math are you doing? noone wants 2 hour max levels in d3 lol.

I dont get this
Ive got 3 kids and work 60 hrs a week.
Im level 54 already in this season and hit 92 pre season…
And i still have time to do actual real life stuff. I can logon for 30 min and gain half a level and log out.

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What’s fun is having zero challenges in the game 1-99 and slow XP THEN get deleted by one hit on Uber Lilith… :rofl:

“They are fixing all that with even XP buffs to the open world” These are your words. I’m just reminding you since you seem to be having a hard time following what we are talking about. Even if you increase the mob density by 50% in the overworld which i’m pretty sure they are not doing it’s going to make zero difference since they are 5 levels lower than you.

Again even if you buff the absolute hell out of the xp you gain it makes zero difference when you a buffing such an incredibly tiny amount to begin with. My point being i can go and do a blue quest on my level 60 rogue and i effectively get no xp at all now. That sux and i don’t think there is anything they can do about it in the patch.

Plus the reason there is no mob density is because they nerfed it all near launch. They just spent all day watching youtube clips scoping out where to nerf next for like the first week after launch. I’m not advocating for 2 hour max levels, just not idiotic balancing that makes no sense.

No matter what the do youll hate it is what im getting guess this games not for you. Time to move on.

Its stupid for people to buy a game that focuses on grinding and they have no time to grind. And they blame Blizz for their stupidity. :rofl:

Meh i only play 2-3 hours a night and i just got to level 60 and into T4 today.

Its not that bad. The T3-T4 jump is kinda harsh though.

Resistances being dogwater just feels so bad when you don’t outgear the content. Its not like you can “outskill” mobs with plain pulsing fire aoes or succubus’/bees/quilrats packs shootting 200 projectiles at you. The game doesn’t have a bullet time mechanic, we aren’t Neo.

But on the other end staying in T3 feels bad as its trivial and very slow levelling-wise.

I just miss how in D2 just by doing basic prep in Nightmare mode you could tackle hell pretty well, all you had to do was farm up your resistances through gems/jewels/charms/runewords.

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You’re accepting that, “game is bad” but it “might be better in 3 months” …

This stuff should have never made it into live launch. Beta type patches months into a game. What a massive dissapointment this game is


D4 is a good game. Its a fun action rpg that is not overly complex yet. I can name better ones for certain audiences like Warhammer 40k:Martyr, Last Epoch, or PoE. Hell for me it is all of the above. I enjoy them all for different reasons. Sorry I forgot Grim Dawn which is a gem and good old Torchlight 2.

The point is to each their own and you do not have to bind yourself to a single game, kinda with mmos and WoW for the most part.

Fair warning son. You are going to get a massive amount of backlash for this post. Try to ignore them. They’re just nasty people who think anyone who doesn’t completely agree with them are idiots somehow.


(20 chars or something)

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Level 50 in 48 hours of play. You def can do better even from a casual perspective lmao

No, it is not literally a single player game. I have never played any Diablo game solo, except for D2, and it’s my least favorite because of it. (Because it was released when MMO’s were still fresh and new).

However, I did give your post a “Like”, because I would rather post on these forums when my friends are not playing instead of soloing it.

That’s pretty much true of every Diablo game. They suck solo, compared to MMO’s that existed at the time they were released (except for D1, there were few alternatives back then.)

Edited Note: if you’re looking for a single player only action game, I highly recommend Horizon Zero Dawn, if you haven’t played it.

It has the best Science Fiction or Fantasy story I’ve ever read and I’ve been reading them for over 60 years now. It also has the best music I’ve heard in a video game, and I have played both Ultima and Chrono Trigger.

I think there’s a strong dissociation between the ideoloy of ‘casual’ and ‘bad’ that doesn’t get brought up enough.

Not everybody can be good at video games, some people either aren’t willing to put the effort in, or just lack the cognitive processes to excel (similar to how nasa engineers might not be good at arithmetic or scrabble).

Each skill may or may not work for you but it’s important not to think ‘because X website says this is best I must use it to be best’.
I don’t get on with twisted blades atm on my trapper rogue - it just puts me in harms way too much (i dont have the defensive support the final build demands) and so I use Rapid Fire instead - less damage BUT leaves me out of harms way when im not infinite trapping.

I play most nights for an hour and a bit more at weekends while doing laundry and I have managed 80 necro, 55 rogue and now 54 seasonal druid and can agree certain points slow levelling down.

I find the current design is awful for levels 40-50 and 70-80, especially where Blizzard thought it intelligent to up the mobs to 55/75 (causing you to have to delay entering the zones even longer or risk being one shotted by average monsters). I didn’t get my druid into T3 until 45 and even then only to get some sacred gear before waiting for 49. That really slowed levelling down for a short while.