Its Not Burnout, Its Just Not Fun

Everyone keeps saying that its ‘my fault’ for burning out the game ‘too quickly’.

Clearly, you don’t understand gaming if you’re stating this.

A good video game, will eat up your time without you even realizing it; you will burn 4, 6, 8 hours and only stop when you suddenly realize you are starving.

A good video game does not require me to take regularly breaks from playing in order for it to be fun; it continues to be fun the entire time I am playing.

You say its burnout, or that ARPGs are meant to be repetitive, or this that and the third.  But explain to me, how could I possibly have spent over 200 hours in the most recent Diablo 3 season, and enjoyed every second of it, but cannot enjoy Diablo 4 after merely 50 hours?

How could I have a lifetime count of probably north of 30,000 Baal runs, and yet still find it fun to pump up a character and run some Baals?

Diablo 4 endgame loop is flawed is the only answer

I haven’t ‘aged’ I haven’t changed, I like the same things from video games that I have always liked. I cannot find those things in Diablo 4.

I can find them readily in D2, D3, Path of Exile, even Lost Ark.


Guys, I played the game for 150 hours. It can’t be burnout. The game is just boring.


My whole life has been a lie!


So if I can manage to play other games for thousands of hours with no burnout but not this one you’d consider it still burnout over a lack of my enjoyment to continue playing the game?

And lets say that answer is yes, then the complaint could be the burnout floor for this game is FAR too low compared to others in the same genre including but not limited to its predecessors and therefore the value of the game (and what is expected of one in this genre) is SEVERELY diminished.


I played for 31 hours in 2 weeks. That is hardly excessive.

Once again I’ll put in bold for people in the back, a good quality, fun video game, will readily eat up your time quickly without you realizing it

Diablo 4 firmly does not achieve this.

Have you really never got an 8 hour game session in because it was just that good? Please, lmao

If I’m getting bored after just a couple of hours, the game just ain’t that damn good, sorry to say. Also as I’ve said in other posts, I don’t think the game will never be good, its just getting really old of Blizzard to keep doing this: intentionally releasing unfinished games that will be good eventually.


Preach it brother. Preach iiit!


Like I won’t lie, I’m old I played Diablo 2 at launch. The game was actually awful.

It was the first time had ever seen that many players and the amount of lag disconnects and problems was simply unreal. Not only that but the game was missing proper itemization and mechanics, it just felt rather incomplete, and despite being a lot of fun at the beginning, got stale rather fast.

Diablo 2 did not become the de facto ARPG superpower it is today, until Lord of Destruction. That brought the runewords, it brought the deep and complex builds and loot system, its what made the game so fun.

I’ve played every game in their lineup and can firmly say, Blizzard Expansions Do It Better.

So then its completely understandable for every new title to be rather disappointing initially. I think Overwatch is the only game that ever nailed the formula from the start.

Even World of Warcraft wasn’t its best until Burning Crusade, which most players still say was the best expansion. Whole reason why Classic Wow even became a thing.


This is so true. I’ve been taking a break from Diablo cuz I can’t seem to sink into it. I turn on POE or railway empire and I lose my entire day before I notice. Diablo 4 is definitely just not fun for me anymore. I still have the capacity to enjoy a game for six to eight hours just not this game. I think they went full Activision with this. They spent a whole bunch on advertising. Hoping to make a lot of money on initial sales with no intention of keeping the game alive or even making a good game


I agree. A good game is like cr*ck to me. I really can’t name an ARPG I dropped so quickly after launch (except Wolcen). My captivations usually last for multiple months. Not D4 though. Oh well.


I have over 5000 hours on rimworld and every minute i’m playing diablo 4 i keep thinking, “I could be playing rimworld right now”


TBC was so bad that It got empty after 1 month.


Clear proof that you never played TBC.


Hahaha for sure.

I’m probably older than you and my WoW account is from 2004.
A noname like you is gonna tell me when or when not I started playing.

TBC was uterly trash and TBCC reflected that 15 years later.


I’d say even a good video game you can burnout on… now… 32 hours in two weeks isn’t that line in the sand either.

Edit: On this TBC discussion that has developed on the side. All I remember from that is being a tree and healing people. best time healing ever =) (and then getting banished by Warlocks in PvP, haha)

lol if you find fun in diablo2 endgame you should asap go to doctor xDDD


No, you most certainly did not.

World of Warcraft had 5 million active user subscription in 2005 during the most active part of Vanilla WoW.

During The Burning Crusade in 2007 active user subscriptions rose to over 10 million, and continued to rise up until the release of Wrath of the Lich King.

Any person that claims to have been such an early, active user, would have known that TBC was the near the peak of the game’s activity level. By 2010 it had only add 3.5 million more users peaking at 13.5 million active subs during Catalcysm.


What about heart of the swarm and legacy of the void, those were infuriatingly horrendous.
You mean to say that an expansion that expects you to beat all the missions with all the units in the first game makes an expansion that needs to teach you how to hatch a drone with the entire campaign mission SPECIFICALLY THERE TO TEACH YOU HOW TO HATCH A SINGLE DRONE!?
That HoTS campaign was so brazenly out of touch and devoid of logic… AND IT WAS CONSIDERED GOOD COMPARED TO LoV

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StarCraft 2 is an abomination that shouldn’t have been made, which is why I didn’t mention it.


ok fair, yeah their other expansions were pretty lit i’ll give you that

Also I agree with what you said about SC2 expansions those were truly terrible LOL