Is the last patch a joke blizzard?!

So I have played since 2.06 and played druid main was 100 after a week and farmed since then for that stupid design of an unique helmet named “Tempest Roar”. I play roughly 4 hours a day but in 4 weeks only 2 unique helmet drops. Last week i uninstalled because I am done with it. I can not farm for a build mandatory item (like gamble for specific body parts or open specific helltide chests).
So I am stuck on luck for a loottable probably with 80+ items with an item type (unique) that also has a less drop probability.
yesterday my buddy told me that uniques can drop out of helltide chests. So i installed it again to give it a try and open up helmet chests. As usual mostly yellow.
Then I read this mindblowing patch note part:

Helltide Chests will now have the chance to drop any Unique and not be restricted to specific item slot limitations from any chest.

I mean come on. Helltide is time limited and there usually on are 2 helmet chests sometimes even zero. So every 2 hours if I can am lucky i can gamble twice on the helmet.
And with this chances its not even a decent gamble anymore.

Is this a joke. I open a helmet chest and i can get unique boots?! Are you guys drunk.

This would not be a problem if this little line would be moved to a damn legendary item.

Your x skills are now y skills.

Uniques should be the cherry on top not mandatory for builds. Or if you feel the need to make them mandatory give me a damn option to grind for them specifically.

At this point uninstall it is again.

Best regards

And to top it off, they seem totally unwilling to change.