Is the Edgemaster Aspect still disabled?

I know how they work. It’s still not a build breaking loss for it to be disabled for a few days. Drop your NM dungeon by 2 levels and stop crying about it.

That was the bug. What it should do is give “just” 20-30% more damage, which is still a lot.

The real joke is people being this upset about an aspect lmao Get a grip.

Even with it being a bug, when you’re talking about a 30% loss in damage it’s substantial and very unfortunate.

That requires they actually fix it. Not let it be disabled for now 4 days while simultaneously nerfing mob density of all things first.

This fix should have been a priority as it actually effects every single barbarian player in d4 and some who are not barbarian.

These devs need to get their priorities sorted. What they should have done was just give it a flat 20% dmg buff in the meantime, or not disable something that .0001% of players could do and fix it asap and not a week later.

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I get disabling broken items, but how do you still have it in-game with no notice that it is disabled prior to imprinting it on an item or equipping an item with it?

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What a joke maybe .05% of the people playing can even do the level 100 lilith fight this weekend but lets disable 2 aspects one of which “edgemaster” is used in what 90% percent of all the S tier and A tier builds. Blizzard your ability to make the worst decision never ceases to amaze. How about you ban the people who one shot lilith and let the rest us enjoy the 100$ game we just purchased.

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Someone doesnt understand how multipliers work it matters greatly where the 40% is calculated 15 levels ago I hit harder than i hit now with esgemasters. There is nothing for melee 2h weaps that comes close. Besides grandfsther but good luck with that.

You’re right, they should have just disabled the Whirlwind skill instead. Why does every other class/spec have to pay because WW barbs were exploiting an aspect?

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Idk why people are crying over this. I didnt even know they were disabled til i stumbled across this and im doing more than just fine. Hope they fix it faster than later tho. literally does not “break” a build lmao

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i know right. people are absurdly hyperbolic on this board it’s really funny to watch.

Thats the difference between casuals and min-maxers that want to push high content. You dont notice it, but we are doing more than 1/3 less damage resulting in content that was a breeze before being suddenly impossible to do and it feels like backstepping.

See? This is what I am talking about, autistic fit, this is not normal human reaction.

70 euros for this continuous nerf all good things beta game I’m losing my motivation to log in each day more and more

We are now approaching these powers being completely disabled for a majority of the game’s time being actually released. With nothing in game to even hint that they don’t work, and no explanation as to why this was the best course of action and when it will be fixed. Amazing.


Oh no, its an eternity!!! Will you survive this?? Might aswell just uninstall the game already

Why do you even post on the forums?

May i ask why its a bad thing to be Overpowered? In an ARPG? Where the whole point is actually to roflstomp enemies?

In d2 we got some absurd powers from items that literally broke the game and THAT WAS EXACTLY WHAT MADE D2 FUN! Its not even seasons or anything its just launch amd people having fun with power. What are these incompetent devs doing? Why suck the fun out of a newly released game? This isnt wow where we clear raid or world first. Noone cares. Fun is all that matters and disabling fun is a cardinal sin


The answer to this is quite simple: They have started a competition to “immortalize” the first 100 people on a statue for completing the task. At this rate, due to the exploit, almost all 100 of them will be WW Barbs. They panicked, realized this was being exploited, and just straight turned them off instead of applying a hotfix or capping the aspects on whirlwind to a certain number of stacks. I understand it being a problem, and an expensive one since Blizzard chose to immortalize the first 100 players. However, there are much better solutions than just completely disabling the two aspects, one of which is used by multiple classes and is important to their build.

I completely agree about blasting things being absolutely fun and wrecking mobs being what I have enjoyed about the Diablo series, but I also enjoy this slower paced start especially while we learn the classes and abilities. In time, D4 will get there just like the other Diablo games, but those saying “OMG who cares, how will you ever survive, etc” need to understand is that we have been scraping and clawing to work on our builds to do the best we can and progress our content and characters. This just set back every single person that uses EM aspect on their builds to create the synergy to move forward. Because of ONE spec of ONE class, the rest of us are set back and left behind. Along with the lack of communication or disabling the aspect from being placed on weapons, those that don’t already know this are spending very hard earned gold affixing it to items only to find out it’s useless. It’s not right nor fair to people that have spent so much money wanting to play the game in the first place.


I describe what is causing the issue here: Channeled Combat - Snapshots Position / Buffs / Etc

The problem is that it is so deep rooted in their code design that there is probably no easy fix.