Is the Edgemaster Aspect still disabled?

My build got lose 40% damge because this, why fix it take so long???

i fudged up and put this on my cross bow (had max roll on aspect) few days ago. Realized last night it was disabled lol. Of course, the one item i heavily invested in lol. Just curious, i realize they have not given a timeline. I did not play any other diablo games so was wondering from past experience, is this something that takes a week or like months to fix? Kinda wondering if i should move on from the item and just eat the loss

gotta spam that guy on twitter, they seem to reply more on twitter than they do on their own damn platformā€¦


Yeah they should turn the back on honestly. Hopefully someone is getting fired for this unacceptable blunder. Heads should be rolling.


Who cares? They need to take their heads out of the dumb streamerā€™s butts.

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pez said they will be enabled ā€œpost weekendā€ so I imagine any time this week

Absolutely ridiculous, theyre cranking out nerfs and hot fixes nearly daily, but its been a week and nothing, not even a word from blizzardā€¦ pretty s***yā€¦ really enjoying the game, but this is getting ridiculousā€¦ also it was removed for a ā€œpvp exploitā€ā€¦ its a pve game primarily, no one cares, the fact that their taking their sweet time with the fix is getting more and more angering, got 2 max rolls of edgemasters just sitting in my stashā€¦ what a jokeā€¦


Facts, they made a crap load of nerfs based on the top .1% streamersā€¦ its like blizzard learned nothing from starcraft 2ā€¦ or wowā€¦ dont balance a game to the top .1%ā€¦

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This is particularly annoying because you canā€™t just casually swap out aspects on the fly. I have to replace the entire item now. I thought this was going to be fixed ASAP as they were so quick to disable it but the realty is if they had any good news, we probably would of heard something by now.

Hard to say whatā€™s going to happen but this is likely getting changed and itā€™s likely to be a while before it happens is my assumption.

Regardless, widespread, severe disruption of peoples gear on launch week is not a great look for Blizzard, sadly. For what was a relatively decent game with a pretty stable launch.

Edit: Iā€™d be okay with them capping berserk ripping to 1 damage a tick, I really just need the bleed to apply.

Lolā€¦ for a second there I thought it said all edgelords had been disabled :slight_smile:

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Iā€™ve never seen a company handle a nerf like thisā€¦just straight disable it?! And not have it fixed within a couple of days? What the hell is that lmao?!


I think that Game is so Bad Programed and a Patchwork of different Code that they even dont know how to fix IT without making 100 new bugs and glitches.

I canā€™t believe they disabled two legendary affixes during launch weekend, itā€™s not a good look at all. The developers should have been able to modify the specific skill interaction values with that aspect fairly quickly, kind of gives the feeling that thereā€™s a bunch of spaghetti-code. Or an AI wrote the game.


I understand it was busted and they disabled them to buy time to research and implement a solution. It just puts a lot of builds into a weird limbo where it is difficult to make gearing decisions. Shuffling around my aspects into the appropriate slots would cost me good aspect rolls (and aspects that arenā€™t in the codex that I would have to wait to drop again) plus gold/mats. I have my best weapon and a few upgrades sitting in my stash until this is resolved. Iā€™m not even playing barb.

Lol so many people in this community are comically hyperbolic. This isnā€™t some build enabling aspect itā€™s just a small dps bump you can live without for a few days. Holy.

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They had the WHOLE weekend plus friday and today to find a workaround. Obviously they are not. Since they could have just put a cap on the number of stacks, instead of just flat out disabling them. The lack of brainpower in the current ā€œfix crapā€ team is astoundingā€¦ Would have very likely been a couple hours to do it, or better yet, they could have just thrown out a hotfixā€¦ You know, just like hot they have been nerfing classes, like barbarian, almost every hour of the day.


Smallā€¦? There were top players doing 500m damage+ billions maybe.

As someone who isnā€™t a top level player the bump from 100k crit to 500k crits is pretty big. Barb leveling solo is dreadful now.

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Iā€™m not saying the stacking exploitā€“so yes, small. Iā€™m saying under normal usage itā€™s a maximum of 40% at max resource if on a 2h or 20% otherwise (i believe these are the numbers, canā€™t look rn). In the huge sea of multipliers itā€™s not build breaking to lose it for a few days. My druidā€™s weapon alone has 250% worth of modifiers on it and my paragon board is over 300% now with a few leveled up glyphs not even including the mods on the board and other gear. Again like I said, super hyperbolic.

I know these aspects are quite core to any WW barb builds and even if you exclude that, Iā€™m HOTA build and theyā€™re quite powerful, straight up losing 20 to 30% of your damage output isnā€™t just a ā€œsmall dps bumpā€. On top of that you have to consider that Edgemasterā€™s is available to all (or at least multiple) classes. So the level of disruption is quite widespread.

You need to learn which multipliers work with each other, this aspect was multiplicative meaning it was multiplying dmg after all others were applied, having said that I have managed to get by switching a few aspects about but would prefer they either removed it or fixed it.