Is the Edgemaster Aspect still disabled?

Need to replace a legendary affix and was wondering if I should replace this with something else for now. Is this still turned off in game?


Yep, still disabled and no ETA or communication as to when it will be fixed.


Thank you. Will be swapping this out then for now.

so like, the 2 aspects are still disabled?
This is insane :rofl:


What was the problem?

Someone sat there whirlwinding for 2minutes, stacking buffs and oneshot lilith

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i have this in my gloves for rogue if its disabled shud i get rid of it for something else thinking about the dash skill 1 or some defensive aspect

which 2 aspects ???

I reccomend yeah just switch it out for now and try some other synergies since its not working, sucks but its the way it is :frowning:
Im really missing the aspect and only added the correct value to my Hammer of the ancients…

I dont understand why they didnt just make it unusable with the certain skills.
Although, i know nothing about the technical side of things haha

It’s pinned… And it sucks. No ETA. Didn’t nerf them, just straight up disabled them. Terrible fix.


Yeah that kind of response seems like they saw that happen and crapped their pants. It’s like they think that people seeing someone cheese the hell out of Uber Lilith would get them to stop playing the game more than their own copy-paste mentality they’ve had throughout the entire game.


No, it is called bad development strategies. Who ever said to disable them before the weekend hit with no ETA on a fix should be let go from what ever job they hold. They have no business being part of development decisions.


they could have given it a temporary aspect rather than completely disabling it


Obviously the aspects were broken. And it seems ppl rather cheat and exploit stuff that is broken instead of having it fixed.

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Who cares if they were broken? It literally does not matter right now. There are no seasons, no nothing. Let them be broken, spend your time on all the other stuff that is wrong with the game. People progressing is the least of the problems right now.


I wouldn’t waste mats moving aspects around, they aren’t cheap.

This sounds like something to 100% fix before seasons but they can fix it and still have it enabled during the time when progression doesn’t matter so people who don’t abuse the aspect can still use it.

Why do the developers think anything matters right now except having fun until season 1 is out? Yes plz fix it but no need to disable.

If it was the store not charging people for their payments, you bet your firstborn and spouse that no developer would go home for the weekend until it was fixed. Screw over tens of thousands of players that these aspects are integral to for the entire official launch weekend, instead , you know, just disabling WW, is nothing short of stupidity. stop with the “builds that used them exploited it” bovine fecal matter. WW is the only build that was capable of exploiting it.


Because streamers were abusing it, making it a much more ‘visible issue’.
In comparison, no one (at Blizzard) cares if Joe has a working build and fun when he wants to play an hour of D4 after work. Gotta get your priorities right. Streamers = PR, PR > everything.

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Why cant they just capped it at a certain value while trying to “fix” it? rather than totally disable it.