Is Tempest Roar even a real drop?

Sounds like you spam a lot of NM dungeons. The druid loot table was literally bugged and was suppose to be resolved. I feel bad you grinded that many NM dungeons because the gameplay is pretty bad.

Its the truth nm doungeons do have better chances for uniques especially the end reward. Also pretty sure you cant gamble unique ive never seen one and i do alot of gambling. I have seen uniques from chest from events but never from mystery chest.

I leveled up a sorcerer to 100 in the first 4 days and afterwards went for druid.
I chilled out with the druid, reaching 84 now mostly doing solo NM and Tides in about one and a half weeks.

Got the Vasily helm two times, once in Tides, once chest drop in NM dungeon, still no Tempest Roar.

This item is a freaking myth!!!

When people see me in wereeolf form they think ‘‘ooh, tornado guy is here and he’ll clear the screen’’. What they see afterwards is just a patethic Druid clowning around with no dmg.

It.s clearly that I.ll reach 100 without the proper build :slight_smile:

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Im 91 made a alt druid too trying to get this helm imma hit 100 never touch druid again looks real bad drops are disproportionately bad i get 10 of everything but a build enabling piece of gear there is a whole storm mech locked behind pretty bad forethought be zero druids in season because of this alone

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Finally got one at level 96.

Was more of a “Finally” moment than euphoria.

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I’m a level 80 druid and have gotten 5 of the bear helmet and no tempest roar.

As a result I’ve pretty much decided to abandon playing Druid at this point. I’m taking a break from the game and waiting for season 1 to start; where I’ll roll a Rogue and start over.

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FEELing this hard today. Started a druid specifically to play a TR build. level 85, haven’t seen it drop. /grumble grumble

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what u mean by pvp ? u farm there for higher chance?

Yes. That is exactly what I mean

Did Ashava a few minutes ago with my lvl 100 twisted blades rogue. Yippieh. Unique drop. Ofc a bow… again. I have plenty windforces and skyhunters, a fresh eyes Of the dark for every day of the week and so many words of hakan like there are names in the complete chinese telefone book.

Temerity? I heard the elders whispering about it. Never seen one.

Ohh… today im very “lucky”. 2nd unique drop. Guess what? Word Of hakan No. 2467/356803.

Yea i stopped playing my wolf druid right now…it was definitely better after thus most recent update. But no helmet means no proper shred build. Playing a rogue now, almsot full 800+ appropriate gear (not BIS but no wasteful affixes) at 65…got the unique gloves last night, gotten both mellee weapons. Got the helmet, about 9 amulets. I think all uniques, except the ones i mught try outside the gloves but losing 12% crit feels real bad. Havent seen a unique ranged weapon. Coincidentally? Playing ranged.

Lvl 100 220hrs in game. Hundreds of nightmare dungeons completed and not a SINGLE tempest roar has dropped on my account. Its unacceptable for this to happen. Mind you i have every other druid unique,including 15 drops of vasily’s prayer. Its not a 50/50 drop chance of unique helms otherwise if have at least one. Druid builds are so focused on helms that trying to do high tier nightmares dungeons as a werebear is a joke. Not to mention druids had to play for the most part of the game from release with a bugged loot table.

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126 hours in game, lvl 74 druid, just dropped in a lvl 21 nm dungeon today.

It’s definitely real, and I got it at level 70. Unfortunately, it doesn’t fit my build and is sitting in my stash.

By the way, I think druid drops are still broken. I got a Butcher’s cleaver today from a werewolf elite. Butcher then spawned in the dungeon later and dropped a couple of rares.

Found my TR at lvl 74 in a Legion event…yelling like hell as wasn’t expected it so soon!!! So it’s just luck with RNG I gues.

Got my 1st at 73, Was hyped and switched to Wolfnado. Got my second last night at 81, worse stats. But I kept it to see how many I can find by the end of the season to showcase.

Yep. Im playing with 2 other druids. We play 2-3 hours a day and collectively we’ve found about 17 of them. We are at low 90s now.

First one dropped at lv 71 in a 30 nm dungon. RNG gods either favor you or they dont.

Sometimes you have amazing days with drops, other time you can have a dry spell. Just keep killing :slight_smile:

The drop rate on the TR definitely needs to be adjusted.

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Druid friend has 6 of them so far. So i say it’s pretty real. Uniques r raining down on him. Open a white chest and out pops a unique.

Got mine at level 90 so don’t despair.