Is it just me or is endgame getting boring quickly?

I think they made the wrong decision to make endgame all about clearing dungeons. If I had to clear the whole catacombs before farming Andy in D2, I wouldn’t farm andy. Same with Meph. No one likes doing that all day. I don’t mind clearing the ancient tunnels from time to time, but then I want to run cows. Or then I want to farm Pindle. Or then I want to farm trav, or meph. I want to build alts that can farm each of those places better than my main. There’s plenty of choices on HOW I play the game.

Here, they insist we just clear entire dungeons over and over. It’s not a working model. I hope they figure this out.


Its a bad game. Anyone who says otherwise just does not understand diablos rich history or what makes a good arpg.

For the prices we paid we got delivered a dog turd wrapped in gold flakes


What endgame? You mean what they released? If you call that an endgame it is laughable a joke even. Only a group of clowns would develop and actually call what this game has an actual endgame in 2023.


Same, I’m still having fun but almost 0 upgrade since level 65 ish and I’m 73.

I also keep finding barbarian uniques and not 1 for my class.


Yes because your character is mostly optomized by like level 80 and there’s no upgrades. What makes arpgs fun is gear upgrades that make you stronger and optomize your build. The only upgrade you get past 80 is a borrowed power mechanic in paragon…

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Yes games get boring after you play them for dozens of hours, news at 11.

“Laughs in Diablo 2”

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That was a grind too.

It’s normal for a functioning adult to not want to grind all day. There’s nothing wrong with the game, it’s you. It’s called growing up. You’re not 12 anymore, grindy games lost their appeal.

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Same for me I have no motivation to play in hardcore to level 100!! Especially because I’m feeling so isolated and lonely all the time… group finder is absolutely missing in this game for the endgame…

Any druid players here also knows after reaching lvl50 maybe 60 (doing no damage at all up till then) all the uniques you get are for the barb i mean come on the druid suffers enough from lack of damage to being useless from the get go, i love the druid by far my favourite and first choice but they did my man dirty and since playing him i dont have the effort or the motivation to try and gring and new character with out deacent end game or better build veriations lets face it pulveriser build is the only thing worth it on druid.

End game sucks boring and repetative 10 min walk/ride to dungeon 5-15min clear reapeat… no thank you

What are you talking about? The music is fantastic.

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The back peddling in dungeons and the tasks you are required to do don’t feel enjoyable. I don’t like it D3 rifting was a lot better.

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Definitely agree here. Some dungeons are pretty linear and fine; some have more of a “loop” for the objectives, so at least you can kill stuff on the way back, and that’s mostly ok. Some are just awful though.

If you happen to find the “end door” that’s blocked off, first - it’s a hell of a lot of backtracking. I love the game, but this is just bad design. Nobody wants to walk around doing nothing.

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There is no end game, 8 days after release i hit lvl 100 and got BIS gear. I had nothing left to do… in D3 you had atleast endless paragon, could continue to climb grifts and climb the leaderboard, gave us some goal. In D2 you could farm and grind because you would keep getting closer to lvl 99 over time and finding loot for trading and for your alts. But D4 has none of that, was too easy to hit 100 and no leaderboards, nothing.

Imagine no-lifing it and complaining there is no end-game. I mean it’s got more end-game than blizzard has put in the previous titles.

There should be an option to remove Dungeon Objectives completly. Maybe some crafting which would change Nightmare Sigil to Actually Fun Nightmare Sigil or something like that

I think a huge percentage of the post you have on here the 1524 post are you saying the exact phrase like a bot. Is this the end game for you MrHoliday?

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Assume whatever you wanna assume bud.

Can’t handle the truth? You can use the ignore option.

If you enjoy every aspect of the game why not play it instead of berate any criticism of the game on forum?

You did have more fun playing Diablo Immortal because it was a better game. A lot of people are quick to shun the cash grab mobile game, but it doesn’t take away the fact that it had a significantly better game play loop. They could’ve reskinned it and removed the paywall on legendary gems and it would’ve been years ahead of D4.