Is it just me or is endgame getting boring quickly?

The dungeons feel like a worse version of rifts, you have to first of all travel too the dungeon, and then, they all pretty much have the same or similar layout, tight corridors surrounds by rocks, snow, or the same like 4 or 5 hallways repeated endlessly.

At least with rifts they were easily accessible, relatively challenging on high tiers, and had a metric ton of variety when it came to tilesets.

Not only that but they were significantly larger, and could be cleared in a quarter of the time some of these dungeons take, its very tedious and I am losing interest very quickly. Endgame is seriously lacking and I am really hoping when seasonal comes along rifts and a ton more tilesets become active, if notā€¦ I dont think this game will have anywhere near the lifespan of D3 or D2.

Endgame desperately needs more variety.


Everything feels like blind walkā€¦
I even dare to say I had more fun playing immortal .,ā€¦


There is a reason why Blizzard waited until the last moment and barely showed anything related to Nightmare Dungeons. The end game was tacked on at the last moment, and it shows. Also, the lack of skill-changing aspects and a few unique itemsā€¦ Diablo 4 Seasons better be packing some serious content, or itā€™s back to looking for something to play.


No one will argue with you because most of them are busy pretending that game doesnā€™t exist.


My main issue so far is that Iā€™m chasing for upgrades through Nightmare dungeons, helltides and al., but there is very few items that are actually better than the one I had 10-15 level earlier. Through the hundreds of legendary items, I only got the ones my build really needs 2-3 times each. I get the same useless ones all the time though.

Nightmare dungeons are okay-ish I guess, just like PoE Atlas maps, but having to use a waypoint and run to the entrance every single time makes it look like a walking/horse riding simulation. This isnā€™t fun and takes time for no reason.

I dropped 20 or so uniques so far, and itā€™s the 4 same items over and over again.


Without scores by Matt Uelmen the entire game feels like a lullaby playing horror ā€œmusacā€

Diablo 4 was made for the pre order sales. They will add more content in the 70 dollar expansion pack next year. I can guarantee that diablo immortal will see 20x the amount of updates in a year than diablo 4 will see overall.

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already cleared NM 100?


This is where I am at with it. At 72 I found 8 useless uniques some in triplicate. Still missing rares that can bring my build online fully. Tons of useless legendaries over and over again, most of the time sacred and useless to me. Honestly after I hit WT4, my desire to play is about gone. Due to level scaling, the last 72 levels have felt largely the same.

I canā€™t say leveling brought anything to the game because it always feels like the last level due to level scaling. All in all, it definitely was not worth 100.00 and sure as heck not worth spending on MTX.


the level scaling ruined this game. I think I will do main quests once and uninstall


Yeah, microtransactions are bad. As long as they stick to cosmetic items, I donā€™t care too much about it.

I bought the Deluxe edition, so Iā€™ll have to ā€œfarmā€ gain come Season 1 to benefit from the season pass I already paid for. How they decided to release the game and start the season a month after is beyond me. Weā€™ll have to start new character (no biggie), but having to farm renown again is just plain bad. Good thing we donā€™t have to complete the campaign again.

I finally found a few new items (unique and ascended legendary) that I managed to stick band-aid like to my actual gear, and I feel like I can pretty much do stuff now.

In my case, itā€™s not level scaling that hurts me (D3 was roughly the same), itā€™s how bad the endgame is implemented when it comes to QoL.

  • You have to run to Nightmare dungeons youā€™ve already completed before, then port back, use another sigil, then run back to the new dungeon which might or might not be 2 minutes away from the nearest waypoint.

  • There is no loadouts (even if itā€™s only for gear).

  • No Horadric/Kanaiā€™s cube. To get something again, you have to farm it.

  • As you have to upgrade your gear every 10 level or so, getting max rolled Legendary aspects to extract is a pain. Youā€™re endlessly farming for new gear (just like D3), but gear doesnā€™t come to you as easily as it did with D3 and you have to change it every few level anyway. With D3, once you hit the endgame, you only had to aim for better rolls, or Ancient/Primal. A single good weapon roll with a complete set could send you on the road to farming more efficiently and you could bump a few Torment difficulty level or even go through GR like you never did before. With D4, you change your gear too often enough for a good drop to really feel interesting. They should have kept the items level 70 max, with Ancestral gear being what youā€™re aiming for.

  • On top of max roll legendary aspects, youā€™re trying to find better rare items. Itā€™s hard to see whether the items you got are useful or not on a first glance. With D3, it was easy : Is the set item or Legendary you got for your build or one you would like to try? No: trash it. You got to visually recognize the Set/Legendary item, and was able to take a decision with a single look. With D4, past Torment, you have to read every single Ancestral rare item you get to make sure you donā€™t pass on a god roll.

  • Dungeons diversity is meh : I hate backtracking or carrying a key, or worse, having to carry two stones (well, having to backtrack to get the second one as Iā€™m playing mostly solo). The worse being killing every freaky monster in the entire zone. They should have kept Nightmare Dungeons simple : kill the boss.

  • Build diversity is also lacking. You can see that a few builds dominate, while most struggle. When 80-90% of the skills combinations end up in a useless mess, thereā€™s something wrong with your system. I donā€™t like following meta builds, but I usually find something that I like and thatā€™s strong enough to achieve the highest ranks. Not with D4.

I really hope Season 1 brings a LOT of fun endgame content and QoL changes, but I doubt weā€™ll see anything. Itā€™s probably already set in stone for the first few seasons anyway. Good thing itā€™s summer here: maybe theyā€™ll get it right past season 2 or 3.


But D3 had level scaling too, isnā€™t?

If you feel youā€™re not powerful enough, you can lower the world difficulty, or if youā€™re already up to Nightmare dungeons (which you might not, according to the fact that you didnā€™t complete the main quest), you can pretty much farm lower level dungeons.

NO SHOT its boring?

But when people said that a few days ago everyone was like ā€™ no you are a crying baby, the game is the best of the decade , 10/10 story and content, you cant complain the game is GOOD ! ā€™

i cant wait for the ā€˜masseā€™ to reach endgame aka nightmare grind or iron hold/champion demise and realise how poor the endgame is in term of content.
You spend more time running to the dungeon and inside it than time killing monsters.
I wont talk about the terrible backtracking with the ā€™ collect 3 stones, collect animus carriers ā€™ and such
welp, time to log in , i have a few lvl to finish :smiley:


what endgame?

People are farming normal dungeons to level 100. If nightmare sigils were supposed to be the ā€œendgameā€ then that shows how non existent the endgame really is.


I love the game, I do. Im parking my 75 rogue because I canā€™t damage my soul with the less than turtle-slow slog to 100.

The endgame does have serious problems.

-Tree of whispers needs to have a use all the way throughout your journey to 100. Its essentially worthless once you progress into WT4.
-XP in Nightmare dungeons needs to be, at minimum, 5x higher than normal dungeons. Otherwise, people will abuse normal dungeon meta speed farms.
-The inventory for sigils and consumables needs a re-work. Its a nightmare sorting through that. And why do I still get level 4 sigils when Im running a 25?
-Iā€™d recommend a reduction in XP required per level by about 10%. Make it 10% faster. Its amazingā€¦ It would take me just over two speed farms and one or so side activity to get a pip at 74. Hit 75, it looks like itā€™ll take me at minimum 4 speedfarm runs for one paragon pip. Wow.
-We need a visual and visceral system to interact with for our endgame experience. Not this uniform-weight sigils in our inventory.
-We need more pinnacle named bosses to tackle between 65-100. This is a MASSIVE void of content. You clear the 70 capstone around 65-70ā€¦and then you have dozens and dozens and dozens of hours of endless farming before you get to uber lillith. We need more attractions along the way in the form of boss fights, or lieutenants.


Just got to endgame. Yup boringā€¦ Game needs chase items, Runes/Runewords something to look forward to. Legendary items are just boring, boring, boring plain and simple. These games are all about the items and the items are TERRIBLE in this game.


Yes, endgame is boring. Itemization and rates are poor.


The worst thing is not the endgame activities but the rewards or items that drop, they are boring, uniques except a handful are useless, and legendaries there are way more useless ones than build-defining ones.

It feels like youā€™re dumping lots of hours and chasing items that are not even fun.


I am level 82 and bored with the tedious dungeon tasksā€¦this is my biggest complaint thus far. These dungeon objectives are designed to waste my time. I have decided to start pushing high-tier sigils with my non-meta build to remain somewhat entertained. I have completed up to T45 so farā€¦but I do not think I will ever do this grind again unless fundamental changes are implemented before season 1.


I got to 80 (Hardcore) and Iā€™m having trouble finding the motivation to keep logging in!

Which is sad, because I genuinely love my character, the playstyle and the game loop - it just feels like itā€™s missing something at this moment!

I look forward to season 1.

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