Is it just me, or does D4 feel like Diablo Immortal?

I don’t know, I get that same feeling as in Diablo Immortal when it comes to the maps, vendors and so on. The style is of course different and I am not saying that it is a bad thing… Just unexpected?


I’m having a similar reaction.

Have they confirmed yet if this is playable as a single player game? I’m not a huge fan of the forced multiplayer in town, with people sometimes being in the wilderness with me


I haven’t come across anything where I thought, “This is done better than it is in PoE.”


Sadly yes, it does feel like D:I. The overworld got way too many other players around.

Blizzard needs to add a toggle for not encountering other players in the overworld.


Nope. Diablo immortal felt better honestly.

yes D4 has better graphics.
feels slow and clunky?


I really disliked the overall view. It does look like Diablo Immoral and a little bit of Lost Ark, both red flags


Yep, my thoughts exactly.

I’ve been playing since Diablo 1 and this doesn’t feel at all like a diablo game


I guess when Wyatt said “Don’t you have phones?!?!?” he was talking about D4 also.


It is always online. No offline or single player options.


Yeah the UI, font and gameplay loop so far feels like a cheap mobile game. 1/10, extremely disappointed.


No even close…what game are you playing


Despite the game feeling darker and more horror based, the overworld is pretty much Diablo Immortal with town hubs, map exploration, and side quests. It isn’t a bad thing. After seeing and hearing everything i can about D4 and playing Diablo Immortal, I can honestly say I wasn’t surprised by this. Unlike Diablo Immortal however, I don’t see myself quitting D4 out of boredom. There is just so much to do in the game and I haven’t seen any vendor require special materials you need from a cash shop. That could change at the official launch but atm the game feels good. I hope they wont add player power like legendary gems from Diablo Immortal into the D4 cash shop.


This is the worst rip off of the highest order. Same four button gameplay, watered down poe talent system and game play. Huge waste of money on my part. I had almost gotten over blizzard games and this brought me back in. FML, at least they got the sales pitch down.


I loved the overworld in D:I and the dungeons, thank god this is kind of like that. If I could play D4 it would be amazing. Unfortunately all I can play is the que dungeon.


I was thinking the same thing, crazy you made a post about it. That was my immediately my impression and my character felt weak the whole time…


Graphics? Sound? Combat Feel? Legendaries actually being good?

Soon as I got to the open world aspect after the prologue, my first thought was “This is just Diablo Immortal with better graphics”.

Linear world map with small packs of mobs, skull shows up for elite mobs, same rehashed events over and over, people running around with you, town layouts…I mean it’s scary similar.

I am on the verge of cancelling the pre-order. I got to level 21 and it never really hooked me. Just kind of feels like a chore.


Not for me as D4 does not have WASD movement which I love in DI PC Client.


It doesn’t have to be offline – I haven’t seen anyone requestion offline mode (and based upon D2R that is never going to happen). However a solo mode where you can pause the game, and not lose immersion due to someone else running through your environment would be much desired.

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I was thinking the same thing, I was just trying to get to 20 for the beta rewards, I also really don’t want to pay monthly for the pass when I already pay a wow sub

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