Is gear designed to drop FOR the spec you are in?

I am currently specced Pulverize druid and have been trying to farm a Tempest Roar since level 50. I am now level 93 with THOUSANDS of dungeons under my belt and EIGHT Vasilys helms. Not a single Tempest Roar.

Part of me is starting to think that it takes into consideration the spec you are currently in when the item drops. Anyone know if this confirmed to be true or just BAD rng?

Definitely not. I’m trying to run fire sorc (garbage) and I get tons more frost stuff.

The uniques I have gotten on my Frost Sorc fit for my build.
The ones I got on my Necro are not for the skills I use.
Looks like RNG from my experience.

The amount of fire and lightning based things I find is pretty amusing. There’s no way in hell it’s coded to take your build into consideration.

I have been running my own teleport-centric lightning sorc build, despite every 3rd thing I need for it being nonfunctional, or not in the game, bugged or redundant; Mage-Lord’s Aspect doesn’t exist, Enchantment Master’s effect on Teleport enchant is limited to improving the tooltip, but not the actual in-game effect. I didn’t get to test the Ball Lightning aspect until mid-60s. I get nothing but fire and ice uniques, even in triplicate, but no Raiment (nor the handful of other uniques I want to try out). I am still missing multiple of my BiS aspects, one of which I have never been able to apply with a usable roll. Even if I do find one, I can’t possibly use it until I have my BiS item, since I have no idea when I will find another good roll.

The moment they determined that they would have no proper trade in an ARPG, in which they are designing build-enabling/defining uniques and aspects, they should have had all hands devising a quality target-farming and/or crafting system. As a meme-builder who avoids the stench of meta, this oversight terrifies me for the future of this game.