Invoker of Varshan

Hey folks, so, got a tip for ya’ll who may be slightly confused and thinking that there may be a bug or issue with this particular season. I’ve seen some threads with people raising this issue claiming it is a bug, but it’s not, so here we go. Explanation time.

The Invoker of Varshan. How does it work?

The Invoker of Varshan will summon an Echo of Varshan in a malignant tunnel allowing you to farm powerful wrathful hearts. Depending on what World Tier you’re playing on, you will need a different type of Invoker.

World Tier 1 and 2: Invoker of Varshan
World Tier 3: Foul Invoker of Varshan
World Tier 4: Tormented Invoker of Varshan

But how do you get a Foul or Tormented Invoker of Varshan? Well you have to craft them. Thankfully the recipes for crafting them drop off Varshan himself. So if you kill the Echo of Varshan on World Tier 1 or 2 he will drop the recipe for the Foul Invoker of Varshan, and when you defeat him on World Tier 3 using the Foul Invoker he will drop the recipe for the Tormented Invoker of Varshan.

A word of warning however. If you’re still levelling up in Nightmare or just started, don’t rush to summon Varshan immediately with your newly created Foul Invoker. The foul incarnation of Varshan starts at level 60, so he may be tough for a fresh levelling character to handle. The same goes for the Tormented version, he starts at I believe level 80, meaning fresh level 70 characters jumping into Torment mode will have a hard time dealing with him in some cases.

There you go folks, enjoy your malignant farming.


You are dumb. This is a bug. If you can’t craft the recipe in which to get the Invoker of Varshan you are bottlenecked. It only drops from the Echo. Stop commenting and misleading people because that is exactly what this is.


No, it’s not a bug.

You get the recipe for the Invoker of Varshan by killing him as part of the seasonal campaign storyline.

You get the recipe for the Foul Invoker of Varshan by using an Invoker of Varshan to summon his Echo in World Tier 1 or 2.

And you get the recipe for the Tormented Invoker of Varshan by using a Foul Invoker of Varshan to summon his Echo in World Tier 3.

Considering that the recipe is a 100% drop rate. The only way you can become ‘bottlenecked’ is if you choose not to learn it/pick it up. And since I’ve completed the season quest chain on multiple characters now, I know what I’m talking about.


Your reading comprehension needs some work. The the first recipe comes from varshan when you cage his heart. The foul version come from summoning him in a tunnel and the tormented version comes from summoning him in a tunnel using the foul invoker. All that was explained.


Lmao. No it doesn’t. This is a bug both ways. I can’t craft Invokers of Varshan because the recipe didn’t drop. It goes that same for others who didn’t get the recipe for the “Invoker of Varshan”. Again don’t comment on something and mislead because you think you know. Clown.

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The recipe always drops from Varshan when you kill him at the end of the seasonal quest chain. It’s literally a 100% drop. I’ve confirmed this by killing varshan at the end of the seasonal quest chain on multiple characters. It is a 100% drop.

If you didn’t pick it up to learn it, that’s not a bug, that’s you being stupid. You can’t blame your own stupidity on Blizzard.


This is not a bug, you have to go back to WT2 and do the full dungeon and you get the recipe. Then in WT3 you get the recipe for WT4.

It’s done stupid, because there are no indications for this.


It is a bug idiot. I have completed the storyline and didn’t get the recipe. Stop telling people it isn’t if you have no clue what you are talking about.


I would have if it was there. Not like I am the only one here with this issue. You are just a clown on the internet that thinks you are right when your not. Slap it around somewhere else keyboard warrior.

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How Ironic

/20 chars


People, Earl here is either 10, homeschooled, or both. In any case, we can ignore this slob for is inability to cogitate beyond, “People used big words so they is wrong.”

Move along.


Earl told you his age in his name. 3 going on 4.

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Dont they have age limit for the game?

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recipe drops from the main story quest in t1 and 2, then t3 you have to kill him to craft a t4 tormented one… bottlenecked? no. content you arent geared for in tier 3/4? yes.

I actually jumped into WT3 pretty quickly and was trying to figure out why my invoker wasn’t working and then realised it would only work in WT2. Just like how Sacred NM keys won’t work in WT4.


what’s perhaps more interesting, is that varshan is a reliable drop source of two things: 1 a wrathful heart 2 an item with 800+ ap (tormented version). so if you struggle finding any of those, there you go.

Thank you for this thread. I was wondering why is my Invoker of Varshan not working on WT4.

Just for the notes, I was at one point in a position when it was WT2 + I had the Invoker key + I was standing in front of that bulb, but I thought it will spawn a lvl 100 echo of varshan so I don’t clicked on it. And later on WT4 I could go back there and was standing int front of that bulb again but I could not click on it :confused:

I think the indicators for this system are not in the right place…

I have cleared the campaign and is now 65. The base, the Invoker of Vashan is not in my crafting list. Weird…

No wonder the world is crumbling taking care of people like you.

Thanks for confirming this, when I was in T3 I was wondering if I needed to go back to T2 to unlock the foul version.


PS: To whom it might concern “Social media made you all too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it” M.T.