Inventory space - fix it

I understand this has probably been beaten to death … I really want to continue playing d4 but simply cannot with the current inventory space/system.

I played a barb for a good amount of time, had fun playing through the story, had fun doing some end game activities and finding gear, had fun doing nightmare dungeons and then ….

WW barb feeling kinda stale so I thought about trying something new. Getting all new gear for the barb and respecting didn’t seem so fun so I made a new char, played to level 15 and then went to manage the inventory a bit and just immediately had 0 desire to play.

Private stash has 1-2 tabs of legendaries / aspects worth saving. Next tab has some gems and items worth saving to later try to craft to usable/bis items. 1 other tab open.

I’ve been trashing NM sigils and throwing potions on the ground simply because I don’t want to store them or there is no space.

The idea of needing to manage all this for a new character while maintaining what I already have on one character is not fun. Id be forced to trash tons of gear from my barb to play an alt.

Forget the fact that the quality of life literally doesn’t exist in way of searching. Forget the fact there are numerous issues with bugs, end game activities, class balance, little to do in end game.

How is it possible that there is so little inventory space??? The frustration is that the problem is so simple and obvious yet there seems to be no immediate fix?

I want a specialized sigil tab to sort through dungeons, I want a specialized aspect tab to sort through aspects. I want a search function. PoE has easily laid the ground work for most of these ideas, all they had to do was copy it.

Forget about the ‘luxurious’ options, is it that hard to just deliver an extra 2-4 stash tabs without any search function or anything else?

Season 1 is adding a new mechanic that is only going to further destroy stash tab space lmao it’s unreal they don’t seem to be taking this seriously.

Id love to make a new character and play this game without needing to trash my old characters gear, and without needing to toss every item i find on an alt.

It’s asinine to wait until season 2 to fix this, and pretty laughable nothing has been done.


Make an Alt/Mule character, or 2 or 8.

And use their inventory space. problem solved, until they decide to add stash tabs to the in game shop.


Lmao problem solved???

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Its not a priority for them

Their priorities are on selling you stuff, dont you see how efficient the store rotation is?

Or go rewatch the last livestream. Over 20 minutes talking about battlepass, showing the Mount of the Premium BattlePass AT LEAST 3 times

How much time spent talking about inventory? A ruished answer of less than 2 minutes

That should tell you how low in their priority list this problem is


Been beat like a dead horse correct. They have addressed this Season 2 will bring inventory till then dont be a hoarder also season one will be a dif stash

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Season 1 has a new mechanic that is going to take up even more stash space, once again leading to the exact same problem.

I want to like the game. I want to buy the battle pass. I want to play every season.

I don’t expect the game to be perfect.

I won’t be playing until inventory is fixed.

The only way to get them to fix anything is be vocal with words and vocal with wallet. Waiting to pay more money until this is fixed. It’s really asking for the bare minimum.


So check back in 3 months thats when Inv is scheduled hopefuly sooner.

They are adding all new inventory to the new seasonal realm. If they can add an entire fresh inventory space for a new season shouldn’t they be able to add 2-4 more slots to be unlocked by gold?

When the seasonal realm ends it will be merged with the eternal realm. Surely they have coded a solution to how the inventory from seasonal characters will merge with the eternal realm.

You’re a fool to simply accept that they are ‘working on it’ and will have it done in 3 months.

It should be done now.

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This is not a 1 or two line code

Honestly for the amount of grinding grinders would grind the stash and personal inventories should be 10x bigger. When you’re soloing dungeons at level 100, who needs elixirs? I find about 3 sigil keys per Nm dungeon, why is my consumable inventory completely full of sigils? Why do I need to salvage them or craft them? Also my aspect inventory is only 2 rows… why?
Also they should increase the amount of gold you get for selling gems so maybe there is incentive to pick them up again.


The solution is too complicated it couldn’t possibly come until season 3!!!11111 one one one

need a team of 500 working furiously on mac classic II’s to solve this puzzle:

The puzzle of adding more slots to a system that already exists!

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Look at the last dev stream. 30 minutes of ads for P2W diablo immortal and another 15 minutes talking about the shop / battlepass. That’s all they care about, not making the game good. That’s Blizzard’s priority.

Never mind that indie games (many of which are free) have more stash space than D4 which is a $90 game. Think of the database storage! How could a multi-billion dollar megacorp possibly give us any more?

They can’t add even one more tab of stash space “RIGHT NOW”, but they can create a temporary stash tab that stores for me the items that I forgot to pick up… :roll_eyes:


It needs to be 4 shared tabs and 4 character unique tabs


Honestly, I don’t know how Blizzard envisions the item management of an average player. I have a level 71 Necromancer, level 69 Rogue, level 67 Barbarian, and I was just playing a Druid who has recently surpassed level 50 and is now transitioning to a different build.

Due to limited space, I dismantled all legendaries with my Druid that didn’t fit the current build. Now, when switching, I am missing aspects that I had previously found but destroyed due to the forced playstyle.

The game is new, and the balance is expected to change with patches. This very fact implies that I shouldn’t be preoccupied with a potential build change at level 50 or later, and it wouldn’t be an issue if I had sufficient space for items for the fourth character.

I don’t even consider starting a Sorceress anymore. There simply isn’t enough space.

What’s the point? Who designs a game with such short-sightedness?

PS: Before Wyatt Cheng shows up and says, ‘Don’t you have a second account?’


Calm down they working on it, it will be fixed around seasson 8. Till then do you like to watch at some cool items in shop?


Stop being a mindless packrat, maybe; you don’t have enough equipment spaces to NEED to save that many Legs and Aspects.

Why should I stop being a pack rat? Even D2R got a personal stash tab. Problem is 1 extra tab won’t be enough. You don’t want players to hoard valuable rares and legendary items? So it’s the player fault Blizz made a Grindy game but don’t grind too much or you risk making the game look bad.


:yawning_face::yawning_face::yawning_face: stop providing a brain dead take.

I have prefect aspects for dire whirlwind, edgemasters, etc saved in order to upgrade gear I find. Same with defensive legendary powers. I have gear saved with 3/4 perfect affixes and I’m going to attempt to re roll for 4/4.

I have SOME items for potentially switching to a HOTA build.

This is not just mindless storage of stuff.

I suppose I could trash half my legendaries but then when I do finally get an upgrade ill need to farm the legendary aspect for it. Heaven forbid I want to make a change to my gear or try something different though.

Also, getting a gem bag would be a nice QOL change but all I’m saving are flawless and royal gems, and this takes up not even 2 rows in one tab. Getting a gem bag will not fix this issue.


Yes. It is what you called “THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX”.