Why should you have to do this again? It doesn’t matter if you have a limit set, the wattage still spikes regardless.
My new PC is quite beastly and can handle it all. I have a 4080 as well. My PC monitor is only 60, which is what I use most of the time. My laptop has a screen that I believe is 120 and my tv is 320, or maybe I have those two mixed up and my numbers are off. Yes, I like to have a good PC that will last a solid 8-10 years but I’m not a full in techy either.
Dang! I would highly recommend you upgrade your monitor to get the most out of the 4080. To put it metaphorically you’re essentially running a Ferrari engine but inside a Civic.
I have 3060 and I play with everything on max (DLSS off) with no issues. Max temperature I had was 60 °C, but the average while in game is 42 °C according to HWiNFO. Which vendor is your 3060 from?
Haha yeah, I was looking around casually at the store the other day. It’s time. I have an ultra wide media monitor and I actually think it’s too big. It has a 2560x1440 resolution. Things on the screen while playing games are too spaced out, such as health and mana and quickbar. I have to move my eyes across the screen because things aren’t always in my field of view.
I’ve always felt like a standard 27” monitor is the sweet spot. You can always see everything on the screen easily and it’s big enough to feel immersive.
Anything under 27” and the screen is a bit to small. Anything over 27” and stuff starts to get stretched out and grainy, especially on widescreen monitors. Def give a 1440p 144-240hz monitor with Gsync a try next time, it’s worth the extra price tag. At this point I still think 4k is overrated for the performance to cost ratio, maybe in the next 5 years that will change and become more viable with mid-level graphics cards as DLSS improves.
Yeah I agree. Have my 4k tv and I’m not that impressed most of the time.
likely related to the models on those screens, pubg had the same issue and just allowed you to turn the model off
Not on my system it doesn’t.
Same Problem here. Radeon 6900XT limited to 80 FPS.
Normal gameplay 100W.
Inventory open 165W.
Vendor 250W.
It dosen’t matter if the FPS are capped ingame, in the Radeon driver or in Riva Tuner.
An additional 3D render is added in each case
Hello, DrJohn. This sounds like it could be a memory issue… I suggest try not using XMP profile if you have that turned on. This should be a simple check to see if it fixes the problem or not. Try the game on 2133Mhz (or factory default) system memory speed to see if your temps change. I know a lot of people here will say memory speed wont effect your GPU temps… but turning off XMP definitely lowered mine. GL~
Within reason is your average fps or monitors refresh rate, whichever is lower
So if you had a 120fps monitor for instance but could only hit like 60 then you’d cap it at 60.
Even if you were hitting 65-70 sometimes it would be worth capping to 60 because a steady framerate feels a lot nicer than one that fluctuates a lot.
only 65C when vendor is open
RTX 2060 / Ryzen 5 3600 / XMP profile off @ 3000Mhz syst memory
was wondering if anyone else has tested this
I had the same issue – those animated portraits (character, vendors) would ramp my GPU fans up right away. Disabling Peripheral Lighting (and NVidia Reflex) largely fixed the issue. No other changes besides those two.
this is interesting and maybe a unique issue to you. i am in game now, but i do have my fps capped at 100. both full invetory, empty invetory and blacksmith is not affecting my gpu temp. I am monitoring GPU temp through MSI afterburner. GTX1080Ti here.
When will they fix this kucking problem? Right now I have to lock my fps to 60 to not to overheat my gpu when opening inventory and merchants but that is unacceptable. My monitor refresh rate is 144hz and no other games have this problem including graphics intensive games like cyberpunk 2077 or resident evil 4 remake. Fix this kucking problem activision blizzard. We didn’t pay you 70$ for nothing.
It’s because all the items are jam packed in 3 rows-narrow satchel. hahaha
We need bigger inventory! No? Well, I want bigger inventory. haha
Fix this cucking problem blizzard. Its not even funny anymore, its people’s expensive gpus that they are playing with. Almost 3 weeks since release and not a word from blizzard on when the fix is arriving. Oh but they are really eager to talk about their 40$ battlepass with season 1. Cucking blizzard.