Infernal Horde is DoA!

Season 5 is a skip, also don’t want to even play S4 anymore after seeing where this game is going.


I have added some more stuff in the initial post after i finally did a tier 7 horde and its not looking good at all.

I have not set foot into The Trials and right now, I won’t step foot into this either.

I played for over an hour and got zero compasses. I am not wasting my time on crap content.



no uniques, no fun, no loot, no cash drop, no materials- no point

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Same here. I did give it a try but lost interest immediately after doing 1 trial

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They rolling out a patch. I got a chuckle on this section of the notes…

Why would they not make them guaranteed? It’s like they spent the time to create this content but they don’t want us to run the content. The rewards aren’t even making the content worth running anyways.


They could have used infernal hordes to let us target farm very specific things, like having boons that let us deterministically determine what type of items / affixes we can get. In addition, the banes are boring and uninspiring, I feel like this was a huge missed opportunity for them to add stuff that’s absolutely bonkers and fun to engage with.


After finally getting some scrolls from salvaging keys, I think it starts to get fun around monster lvl 140. The process is pretty enjoyable. The reward vs time spent in the activity ratio is very low. Why would anyone spend 20 minutes doing an Arena for like 2 boots, a ring and a couple swords that would take you 3 minutes to get in helltide. There is no reason to play this. At all. Currently.


That was actually my impression when they stated that this is aimed at target farming, they knew what we wanted and gave us this ? I mean, how can you screw this up so bad ?

This mode is just stupendous and boring.


Yeah I think it is fun idea actually but its current implementation there is no reason to ever play it twice. Its a waste of time given how small the rewards are…

The difficulty or gear requirement of the T7/8 would need about 5-10 pulls on the GA chest to be worth the runs

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if they release this at its current state! without increase the GOLD MATS AND ITEMS from this 10+min run + the farming of items need to run this

man, D4 knows how to kill their game! i mean season 4 wasn’t that big! it was changes people were asking for DAY 1 so idk why it took them 1 year to change how loot works!

now the Ex pack around the corner WHAT CHANGED nothing bet they haven’t even tested those legendary glyphs

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They should make it when you run a compass for example a T3 compass it drops a T4 compass at the end and so on kinda similar to Nightmare Dungeons. Abyssal scrolls should be removed. Maybe add a Rare Boss that can spawn at the end instead of the Council after T6 that can drop Special Unique Season Items or maybe they can add Unique Aspects. and this way it can make the grind worth grinding for


Tier 7 wont give you the necessary Ether to open the GA chest at all currently, so tier 8 it is and when you can run this you are probably overgeared anyways. So where is the point in “target farming” when 95% of the playerbase arent even be able to do so in any way, shape or form.

It baffels me how you can advertise this as target farming specific things when the requirements are so high that you rather just got to helltide and invest your time there than here in this mode.

IMHO it should be like this:
Tier 3+4 guaranteed 1GA items, a unique and a chance of higher GA Items.
Material chest gives Obducite (atleast 60). (cost 50 Ether)
Tier 5+6 guaranteed 2GA items, a unique and a chance of higher GA Items.
Material chest gives Ingolith (atleast 60). (cost 75 Ether)
Tier 7+8 guaranteed 1x 3GA item, a unique and a chance for Uber unique.
Material chest gives Neathiron (atleast 60). (cost 100 Ether)

This is how you can Targetfarm to some degree.


Is someone test it in party. They say that they will make new co-op activity, so maybe the point is to play in party in higher tier of Infernal Horde.

So what I got from this was:

  1. Boss hp too high in the infernal hordes
  2. Not enough scrolls
  3. Sucks when people in your group can random click on things
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Yeah, exactly and the nature of the RNG you get with the buffs/debuffs and the waves coming afterwards.

For example on Wave 2 you can choose movement speed etc. and that the Ether Mass can spawn faster for more Ether and then the wave starts and there doesnt even spawn a Ether Mass. They maybe just start coming in Wave 3 or 4 and this way you increased the difficulty at Wave 2 but get no reward in return !

Its so many flaws this mode has, it needs either a complete overhaul or wont be touched apart from a small group of people as everyone else will just go for faster and easier activities to spent their free time on it.

You forgot:

  1. Rewards are abysmally bad.

This actually is the easiest to adjust so far and im sure they will make a change, question is if its enough on how much effort and time you spent.

For most people yes, this is Blizzard. IF this is what they thought was good, you aren’t the least bit concerned what they’ll consider a fix?