Incoming Balance Client Patch

Saw balance patch and got excited that maybe there were going to be some buffs for weaker stuff, but I guess a Saturday night patch would only be for emergency nerfs lol.


Could you please investigate nightmare dungeon instance problems where partied group members are unable to join the same nightmare dungeon instance. A friend and I are playing on PC in the same house and for some reason nightmare dungeons keep doing this weid thing where only one of us can enter. If the second person enters, it kicks the first person out. If the first person re-enter, it kicks the second person out. If we enter precisely at the same time, we both go in but have separate instances, even though we are still in a party. When we do this, we can see each other’s party icon on the minimap but its like our dungeons aren’t in the same place and we don’t walk the same paths. Then, when one of complete the dungeon, both people get the reward but it kicks one random person out and only the person who it didn’t kick out can upgrade their glyphs.

This is extremely frusterating. We’ve tried leaving parties and remaking them. Logging in an out individually. It’s about half of the nightmare dungeons we do this happens in, the other half work as normal. And for every dungeon, we are partied and the person who doesn’t activate the sigil always accepts the invitation notification.

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I don’t know how many more times it needs to be said; but Blizzard should really chill on nerfing builds that make the game fun for players. An emergency nerf to make the game less enjoyable, is a bad look.


This race is only the beginning, there will be season races every so often, so I wouldn’t hold my breath if I were you :wink:

The fact that your comment is literally the exact thing that you’re complaining about… :joy:

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omg is that why the game sucks for me…I am playing lightning sorc

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Honestly a bit worried about their ability to balance this game given what they did to frost blades and the collateral damage that was caused in the process. IE: nerfing protection passive to 2 seconds may have seemed necessary in a high cooldown reduction build with a cooldown resetting mechanic, but every other build that doesn’t have that now has a pitiful 2 second cooldown barrier if they spec into this at all when using normal length cooldowns.

Frost Blades as a base skill is now terrible. Doesn’t last very long or do much on its own. The enchantment is useless for most people, maybe it becomes functional again with super optimized end-game gear, but most people won’t ever see that probably.

Lets see what they’re about to do this time! I’ve been playing mostly solo and not up to date on what grossly OP thing people were doing, but my guess is it’ll be something to do with high resource generation combined with the unique amulet or something. Hope it isn’t another sorc nerf.

For sure, but D3 in my experience had a lot of build diversity. Hopefully in the actual seasons can shift the meta and add some of that diversity. Currently it feels very narrow. Like you have to use these certain skills or you can’t progress, which begs the question, why did they bother developing the other skills.

This and very low monster density in the outside for what’s needed to make aoe builds feel good. Everything feels clunky and weak; even after 50 hours played. Even sorc now; which is probably the best leveler.

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God, just dont nerf barb third time…

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Yeah I already quit barb at level 51 because I was fed up at how god awful and slow it is while playing solo. Maybe it’s fine in groups, but they don’t have a group finder…

meesa lightning sorc too…my title is “Magic Rubbish” It started as a joke, now it’s an accurate description

And barb according to all the tier lists is supposedly one of the strongest at that level. All the classes are feeling super weak.


It’s theoretically good in groups, but solo it just fails because density sucks so much. Not enough mobs to keep WW up. Maybe at level 100 that’s different. But at level 51, you’d think there would be some advancement from the clunk fest, but no. And no end in sight, so I dropped it.

They will for sure it’s the Barb we talk about and not the Rogue :slight_smile: .

That’s how you decided to post your very first post? Do you understand how a question works? I asked him a question: for what? Not blindly saying dumb ish that has no logic like the post I was commenting on.

For sure, it feels real bad. I’ve been playing a lot of last epoch lately, and coming from that in D4 WW or spin to feels so awful. They went for this super heavy resource management system in D4 and it really doesn’t feel good.

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I think a lot/most people feel weak going into nightmare because you suddenly need a more optimized build (both defensively and offensively) for it to feel good and you don’t really have the tools to reliably optimize that quickly.

Stat re-rolling on sacred+ gear requires helltide mats. It’s also a very tedious process as the game doesn’t show you stat roll ranges or even show in-game what stats you can roll.

Codex powers are always minimum rolls and not all builds use that many of them.

You can’t move tier 1 aspects onto sacred+ gear so you either have to use minimum rolled codex powers on your new sacred+ gear, skip using sacred+ gear for awhile in slots you’re using for an important aspect, or get lucky with drops.

Respecing if your build isn’t doing well is tedious not just because of cost and the actual skill respec process, but because changing builds and doing well with that new build may depend on entirely different aspects and gear management is very basic and annoying in this game. There isn’t even a stash search feature and we have very limited stash space.

Also resource management options early on suck and getting the right stats or powers to fix it isn’t something that’s guaranteed to happen right away. They should buff things like umbral so the codex version is better IE: 2/3/4/5 instead of 1/2/3/4.

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The out of resources constantly is ****ing awful feeling…even at level 50.

Maybe it can be fixed by stacking only mana stats in the 20,000 different affixes on my gear.


The entire gear system IMHO is hot garbage. Seriously…I mean that…every aspect of it.

Too many affixes

Affixes not clearly explained

You effectively need to craft your gear and not find it

Legendary affixes are also completely uninteresting…

Good legendary affix:

XX% chance for Chain Lightning to jump to three additional targets.

Bad legendary affix (also known as D4):

3% chance to do 2% increased damage to vulnerable mobs that are nearby and unhealthy on Tuesdays after 4 pm GMT.