Impressions of the Beta


first off, I was not disappointed playing the beta and I know the important endgame part is still missing so my impressions are based on what we got. Of course, there are things that I personally think can be improved or are just my take on some things in the game in no specific order. Playing on XSX.

  1. Transmog and customization are fine. But why isn’t it possible to change the hairstyle? It should be.

  2. A little concerning performance issue (Zero Dogs on X360 trauma): Everyone found out about the Necro bomber build. But when all of them exploded at the world events, framerate and sound where about to collapse for a few seconds. There should be the option to turn effects off from players outside your party or in general at events with more than usual players.

  3. Skill / interaction issue. Mainly as Necro. Wanted to pick up loot but skill started instead. Had to restart the game.

  4. Aiming. It should be refined a bit. I had many situations where I turned the character to aim in a different direction but it did not work. Still shoot the wrong mob.

  5. Balance. A difficult thing. But at this point I think it’s too early to call for nerfs or buffs. I just hope it will be balanced :smiley: or at least not a mistake to play a class that becomes useless later on.

  6. World. It looks amazing and the darker atmosphere pays off. Well done. Same for character animations and the in game cutscenes.

  7. Cooldowns. Please tune them down a bit. Sorc/Necro with summons had less problems but I played Rogue too and in that early stages it was tricky sometimes. Maybe give the melee classes more dodges? Or fasten up its cd.

  8. Overall it all felt very familiar like good old Diablo with friends. But at the same time I was missing the experimental phase of exploring the skills and trying to find a good combo. Because the skills are exactly the same I have seen years before. Why isn’t there a bit of risk to bring in something more innovative and creative to this genre?

  9. Dungeons. At this point many others have pointed out that the design feels copy pasted. I hope this changes later.

I’ ll expand this thread later on. My friends and I will brainstorm. :slight_smile:

Thanks for reading and have a great day / night.

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