I'm sure I'll get the hate

This game is incredible.

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I love this myself, but nothing is ever perfect. I think we agree on that. The aim should be to find actual problems first, then preferences second. And I agree with your point that the critiques should dial back to something that’s more useful to the coders. “Sucks” is not an actionable program directive to fix anything. It’s also an opinion and not a fact. So, the quality of the criticism needs to be more usable and factual to actually generate any real improvement.

Idk how to feel anything at this point anyway. I love the game but I know a lot of stuff are going to be gatekept for future expan$ion$. Blizzard doesnt have the responsibility to make something grand right off the bat. The meat riders will ride, hype chasers will chase and they will gate keep helpful or fun mechanics for later so they can report it to shareholders and get that stock number up. Its just the normal cycle of capit-

people dont remenber what they had for dinner yesterday, they for sure or hardly anyone remenber d3 on beta for sure!!! this d4 launch offered 100x better experience then d3 did on launch for sure with the mediocre act 1 it add and killing the lich… not to mention the insane ammount of bugs the game came with and big lack of high end content at launch…

this a new game!! that is comming out in 3 months!!! if you think in some way somethign should get better then post in a constructive way rather then a hatefull one… maybe your “voice” will b heard ,)… and if not and you still hateful in the end ask refund and/or move on yeh let the enjoyers stay in peace. theres lots of other nice games out there that you prolly will enjoy more then ,) unless ofc all you really enjoy is qq on foruns and thats fine too, i like to QQ too sometimes :wink:

It’s okay to play the game and not beat the game in the first 24 hours. I enjoyed what I played. I liked the art and the sound. The combat was fun.

The Veteran level seemed too easy. The loot dropped was too good and too much, imo. I had 34 legendary’ in about 20 hours played. Hopefully this was just a loot multiplier for Early Access.

I’m looking forward to playing Necro next and seeing the post 25 game at launch.

Necro will be so fun. Tank mage they just goes in and blow everything up. So excited

This is actually my biggest issue with the game. Lilith has been a main protagonist in dozens(each) of movies, plays, books, games, TV shows etc… since the 1800s. This really hit me with a lazy storytelling vibe. Also, almost every quest was nearly the same as D3 quests.

The game plays well and I had fun this weekend. The problem is that Grim Dawn, Wolcen, Last Epoch and countless others were also fun for a little while. Lets put the technical issues aside for a second and try to differentiate between them. I am having a hard time finding it to be a better game than any of those. They all have vast appearing but very linear skill systems.

Please keep in mind that with Grim Dawn being an exception all these games are in beta as well.

So maybe peoples issues are not that it is a bad game but it is the same game we have all been playing for the past 10 years.

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For my part, I loved the beta. Even if I had monstrous lags and untimely disconnections. It’s a beta friends, normal that it’s not perfect.

You must be patient and persevere is as simple as that and not take your head for nonsense. I am also from the older generation of players (Wow, D2, D3, EQ2, FF14, TESO, Dark Age Of Camelot, …) so I am very patient and super Zen.

The betas are there precisely for Blizz to do tests so that the official release of the game is at the top. But I think some have “forgotten” that.

For my part, I believe that D4 is the best of the Diablo series and I look forward to exploring the other lands and I look forward to the rest of the story.

Totally agree with the OP, I leveled to 25 and geared all three classes this weekend, and I may do so again next weekend!

Friday disconnects were annoying, but by Saturday morning the servers were nearly flawless with only a couple of instances of lag.

I love everything about the game but it is missing one crucial aspect for me. In game Pause. I am blessed to be able to work from home since covid but i do have random calls coming in and this is why i sticked to D3 instead of lost ark or any other isometric arpg. Please let us start a single player instance when outside of town or when leaving world events

I also like the game so far - you are not alone with your opinion.
Have my summary here: Feedback after 25+h of beta from ARPG veteran (gaming 30+ years)

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This is an awesome post!

Thank you =) Glad you like it

I was actually sad to see the beta end I wish we could play longer. I actually really liked so far the game.

I wish there was more skills active below 1-9 would be nice.

Beta is for nitpicking, feedback and promotion, please learn to understand what feedback is, cheers.

How do you expect developers to improve without feedback on the negatives? Simply telling them everything is great even when it is not is never going to make the game better. Some stuff gets looked over in development. For instance, the LOD maps and a lot of textures do not load at 1440p and only boosting to 150% rez scale fixes most of it. Which makes the game look dated. But only the people running at 1440p would see it. So we make a post saying that then get blasted by the stans trying to defend the indefensible because it’s factually true. Now any good dev would see that and look into it and fix the problem.

Again in my post I don’t argue against feedback, in fact I’m encouraging it and saying that’s what the beta is for. I’m arguing against negative toxic posts where all they post is to say, “This game sucks I’m getting a refund.” That’s not feedback.

Feedback would be I didn’t enjoy myself because my ABC experience but if we did XYZ that could make it more fun for me.

Can’t believe I have to break this down and explain it to people.

No hate here I enjoyed the beta. Got the barb, and sorc to 25. Played a rogue to 15. I had a good time running around with friends. Emoting at people in the environment was neat. The story is rich and is already better then D3 and immortal. Dare I even argue D2. Yes the story is really good so far. The combat flows nicely. The monsters look great, the environment looks fantastic. The npcs in the town feel alive as well. We can trade blues and rares! The skill tree is a dramatic improvement from their more recent arpg titles. The cinematics are superb. Crafting is decent so far, and I hope they expand on that. I hope to see the horadric cube. I hope to see runes. Bummed we didn’t get to see pvp, but im excited for that. A failed promise for D3. They have a separate currency for gambling which I welcome. As long as the battlepass doesn’t interfear with progression. I see nothing, but potential for this to be the best Diablo experience to date.

Some peoples nitpicks are pretty genuine though. Like the font for instance should be Exocet. The UI could use some artistic changes to better match the gritty atmosphere the game provides. Some of the repetitive basements and dungeons could be randomly generated. No more tetris inventory is kind of a bummer. It would be nice to see one more skill for the hotbar. Specifically for the ultimate skill. Some people that used controller mentioned they can’t leap properly. There are some things that do need to be fixed and adjusted. After all this is a beta.

If that battlepass tho, includes anything to add progression to characters like increase drop rate of Gambling currency, increase drop rate of rares/legos, movement speed bonuses, etc, etc, or anything other then cosmetics. I don’t care what your vocabulary, or definitions are of p2w vs pay to progress. This will go from top dog to immortal dumpster fire in haste.

No hate! Game feels incredible already.

Can’t wait to hit 50 and start chasing Sacred items, Uniques and at level 70+ Ancestrals + even more Uniques.

The story is great? No, you’re confused, the story is terrible. Granted, it’s better than D3, which was basically what The Force Awakens was to Star Wars. (Essentially just a bunch of ham-fisted references to obscure lore, and altering and destroying old established characters (Poor Cain. Hell, poor nameless warrior who was erased because of Aiden. That was me (and everyone else who played Diablo). Blizzard wrote me out of the game in D3. Those bastards! )).

The atmosphere is good. The opening cutscene and intro of the game recapture the feeling of it being an occult horror ARPG splendidly, and I absolutely want more of that. It’s actually the first cutscene I’ve sat all the way thru in years.

However… Lillith’s main motivation is apparently getting humans to… ‘sin.’

Diablo is not rooted in christian mythology; despite there being crosses everywhere for some reason, it’s arguably not even based on it, the world is polytheistic and has references to several gods in some of the environmental storytelling. It seems like the series leans more toward a sort of fantasy action christianity as it goes on though, and I wish they’d keep that kind of thing out of my video game about killing hordes of demons. (That’s all I really want here, I don’t care about the story at the end of the day).

In the original, demons are just entities from another plane of existence that are trying to invade the human realm, they’re not trying to seduce people away from salvation. They do seem to talk about stealing souls, but that seems like it’s just something demons do. There are gods in diablo, but the god of the bible doesn’t exist. A realm called heaven does, but that’s basically an analog to hell, with angels being from another plane of existence, not necessarily divine beings created by a creator god.

Lillith wanting people to sin is random and it feels like it comes from nowhere, it feels like it was ham-fisted in by a writer who doesn’t really understand the game’s lore, and is appealing to what people would expect from the name alone.

That has never been a thing. I think it’s STUPID, and it’s pretty foundational, so it kind of makes the entire rest of the plot stupid.

That being said, the game is fun. It feels like a blend of 2 and 3, and even if I end up hating the story, I’m probably going to sink a lot of time in it. I’m just getting into the scene, I haven’t really seen what people are saying, but I’m surprised people are complaining.