I'm sure I'll get the hate

I love this game so far. I’m sorry to all the people nitpicking every little thing with this game in the freaking BETA but come on! The graphics are great, the story is wonderful, the combat is only going to get better and better as time goes on.

The amount of negativity is staggering! Half of you are so toxic we should store you under a mountain.

It’s a beta! This is a chance to make useful suggestions and collaborate to get some things worked around. Not post threads like “game sucks getting a refund” “everything is ugly” “this class sucks” “D4 is an epic fail”

If people take the time to even read the damn in game tool tips you can see that we are playing without:

  • Most of the legendary and unique items
  • Half our levels (and over half of our skill points)
  • The entire paragon system
  • Most of unique class abilities
  • The Mythic Dungeons

It’s like if I were playing WoW at level 20 going this game sucks! There is nothing to do and I have 3 abilites!

I’ve seen people complain the game is too hard, too easy, too much to do, too boring, complain about skill trees, (I only press 2 buttons sounds like a you problem) complain about gear, (why don’t I have a million gear choices in the fricken first act of the campaign…) complain about upgrading gear, (you’re not even max level you’re not supposed to be spamming upgrades on it) come on people enough!

Yes there is work to be done yes the game isn’t ready for launch considering that is 3 months away!

I’m sorry if the game isn’t for you but guess what you have so many other great games to choose from to play that might be up your alley! So smile! Be happy!

Rant over. Bring on the hate.


Yeah, the internet never fails on the hate front.


I agree a lot with what you said. People need to relax as it’s just a beta. Clearly a lot of things are needed to be fixed. We know that the game was rushed with the blizzard scandal thing but overall this game is solid. And or has potential to be great.

We destroyed No Man’s Sky when it debuted in a unfinished state and look how that came roaring back. I’m not saying Blizzard needs to do that per say. The games videos and stories are good.

I dislike that we got DI first, because that’s what a lot of people are comparing it to. When in reality D4 was already in production when DI came out. DI took things like gameplay mechanics from D4 even tho it wasn’t out yet. So some things in D4 are similar to DI. And that’s what the haters are comparing it to. I don’t mind resource farming, it’s neutral state for me. But I’m glad in D4 we don’t have to mine a rock for 30 seconds and instead just click a button instantly comes out.

I do feel tho that D4 feels slow. D3 had such great game flow. The battles felt great to me. I wouldn’t mind doing a nephalem rift that would take 45 real world minutes to complete because it flowed so smoothly. Enemies would crowed and the screen would look like a metal band mosh pit but I still felt like I had a chance to win. In D4, playing as rogue I feel like my movement and attacks are nerfed but then I see a sorcerer walk by and two or three zaps the enemies die.

Overall I’m sure with time this game will be great. It’s unfortunate but looks like those of us that are sticking with the game from launch are just going to have to suffer the growing pains.


That’s the best part of the game.

I like that I have to actually be aware of my positioning, dodge attacks, and take enemies seriously. It’s way better than D3 just racing to the exit portal as fast as you can while screen-clearing everything along the way with no effort and one button.


The story is terrible. What game are you playing?!


The game needs to stay slower paced and hard. If they repeat what they did with D3 this game is going to just dump out MTX and raise the numbers for damage each patch. The pacing of the game right now is great. The graphics look great and the whole beta was super fun to play through. People are definitely complaining way too much for something that most of them only put a few hours into when the entire point of this is to TEST things and fix them.


I enjoy it so far. Again. First act, lots to happen.

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The problem I have with it is that they just throw in “dramatic” scenes meaninglessly. All the characters are lever pullers and we are supposed to feel emotionally attached to characters that had no significant role in the story up to their death.


Totally agree with you.

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Hey more power to you if you like the game.

For me it just feels like a lazy Diablo 3 graphical revamp with zero new features and a lack of wasd movement.

The story is engaging at least.


People are apprehensive because they care deeply about this game and the franchise. We had the smoke and mirrors with D3 and it scarred many people.

That said, we also have the ‘complain’ culture to contend with these days and for some people it wouldn’t matter how good the game is they are destined to complain regardless - its game in itself.

I agree, the game is good but some of the criticism is vert valid to though.

The fact they pretty much C/P wow is a tad worrying but the storyline has been good so far

Whem… so much to say, so little interest.

“The graphics are great” - since I’ve had to drop graphics to their lowest level, I guess I’ll never know.

“The story is wonderful” WTH? What story? 'Hi i’m wandering in a snowstorm and have decided (for no known reason) to attack someone the Prime Evils are cautious around. Oh… and there is her ex-baby daddy deciding he’s a god and gonna create his own religion" Yeah… great story so far.

Combat: Oh no… I’ll leave that for the others who are already frothing at the mouth.

Numerous disconnects making it impossible to finish dungeons?

I won’t even start with the terrible western voice actors thinking that accents drawn from old Dracula movies sound sufficiently ‘ethnic’ to pass muster.

People are pissed and want to complain about a game THEY’VE ALREADY PAID FOR and you think they’re whiney. Get your head out of the fecal regions fanboy.



Completely agree blizzard struck gold with this game its a game of the year contender for sure. Took the best things from d2 and d3 and combined them very excited for next phase when I get to test out the necromancer who i will probably end up maining.


Uh, what best things?


Do you even need to be told about the skill trees in the game?
Probably just trolling to be honest.

Agreed. What story? And where did they get the 4-5 actors who seem to voice EVERY NPC in this entire act. Dracula - wannabe washouts the lot of them.


I’ve used skill trees before, what about them?

Really? You don’t see the potential for build diversity within them?

Nothing more than what I experienced on Diablo 3.

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