I'm sure I'll get the hate

D4 is already less broken than the first year of D3.

Fun Beta, great game so far.

“Its not D3 so its not D4”

“I want D2 re-whatever”

Not legit complaints.

“lag/DC issues”
Very legit complaints and they’re working on it.


You are right on, and I’m glad someone said it! I think this game is going to be amazing, and I am actually blown away by what I experienced. I was so excited I bought my dad the game and let him use my XBOX just to play it! WE HAD A BLAST! Thanks Blizzard, things are looking great!


Totally agree, Aeon. D4 is going to be awesome. Now we just have to wait to months : (

Should have stopped there. The rest of your diatribe is just complaining about people complaining TBH.

Bring the hate? Get over yourself.

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I really enjoyed playing this weekend and am looking forward to the actual release. Sure there were hiccups (lol) Friday but I found Sat and Sun to be really smooth.

Haters will always hate but I loved it.

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I can hardly judge the game from 25 levels, because I am very much interested in the end game.
But so far in this few days I played more then most games that I bought on steam. And had a blast. If I spend double this amount of time in release, it was already worth it.


I would continue to play the beta if it were free. Until that happens I’m requesting my refund because right out of the gate they had huge massive glaring flaws.

  1. You literally cannot use a normal attack. It is impossible. You cannot pick up a stick and swing it.
    1a) This is built off of basic attacks generating mana. This was done in D3, and it was a huge design error there, too. A basic attack is not a “class basic attack.” It is basic attack, which means basic attack should be the same basic attack regardless of class.
  2. No cross classing out of the gate. You are still “insert class,” and everything you get is defined from this.
  3. You cannot select stat points, which means that just like D3, they’re ever so likely to do the same thing they did to D3—make the first 50 levels useless and a total waste of your time once they release an expansion, make all of those previously found items worthless, gems, and so forth.
  4. As 3, you only have control over one thing: Skill tree. Your skill tree is bland and basic. It is effectively the same thing as D3 skill rune selection. Its a total basic bastardization of PoE without the cross classing functionality that PoE offers.

On the positive side, combat felt better, more fun, less hectic. Sort of. The world aspects like climbing up, crawling through, etc, was sort of neat, but seems like too much dev time was spent on that than things that actually matter.

Upset that D4, a game that was “developed by avid D2 players” feels more like Diablo Immortal or Diablo 3 than Diablo 2. Starting to think its an absolute lie and it was just used as a publicity stunt.

It feels nothing like Diablo 2.

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Brother I totally agree with you. People were bthing the first day about a class action lawsuit because they couldn’t log in. Get real people, it’s BETA!

I also REALLY enjoyed the game and came on the forums to let them know how happy I am myself. Cheers brother!

Many of the complaints are legitimate. Some of them are missing the point but for the most part I haven’t seen any complaints that I’d consider toxic. Are you one of those people who conflates argument and criticism as negativity? If so, that’s a real shame. We cannot have progress without criticism. Everything should be scrutinized. If you just want to have fun and avoid reality. You can do that. But instead you chose to complain about complainers. Surely, you’re not the exception in your point of view? Apparently your complaint is some how more relevant than any other type. Now onto the reality of what diablo 4 is.

If you played a lot of D3 you’d see the similarities between the systems in D4. We can tell from the beta what kind of rules the game is going to follow as it scales up. Some things aren’t worth much thought. Low level balance isn’t that much of a concern between classes as long as they have some viable build to level with. But what really matters is how the systems work and where our power comes from.

Many, many people are going to be disappointed with D4 shortly after full release. During the novelty stage of the game where you go through the story and campaign and everything feels new, you’ll think it’s great. Then the reality will set in. The game isn’t complete. All of the major systems were borrowed directly from D3. So what will the differences be between D4 and D3?

  1. Aesthetics have been slightly altered, but you can see the similarities in style if you look close enough.
  2. An open world mmo rpg feel? Questionable but that’s the claim.
  3. A talent tree that really doesn’t do anything besides let you pick what skills you’re using. Since nearly all your power comes from item scaling and not talent scaling.

Please don’t be fooled by the beta. The game is acceptable and playable and you can even enjoy it, but it’s not going to be a fully fleshed out complete game. They’re going to sell it to you in pieces as you’re expected to buy the latest battle pass for the new season.

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I asked for it for Fathers day, my son got it for me now so I could play early…

I really enjoyed the beta. To me, Lilith is more memorable than any character from any previous Diablos. I’m curious to see how the story progresses.

Great game so far. Loving it. Hated D3, loved D2/D1 and I think this game is going to have a good mix.

It’s crazy the knee-jerk reactions from children. But there’s really no stopping misplaced tantrums these days. Attention spans are short.

I go that leggo and put on that my conjurations have a chance to cause a Frost Nova. Was super fun!

I came onto the forum to gush a bit. I think the art style is amazing, and I would not be surprised at all if some of the artists that worked on Wolcen are involved here. Some of the style is just too similar for that to be a coincidence.

Gameplay is crisp once a zone is loaded. Seems to be some lag initially going into a new zone, but not terrible imo. I think the # of options even with a skill tree is going to be staggering when compared to aspect combinations. As I played sorceress last, I had a grasp of it by then to start seeing some potential and had a super fun hydra sorc.

Anyway, really think the maps are great, just a super fun beta. I am super stoked about D4 coming out now and really extremely pleased with pre-purchase.

Thanks Diablo team, outstanding update to our beloved game.


Apparently you’re one of those people that looks for ways to tear other people apart and probably finds enjoyment out of it. If you want to re-read my post you’ll find that I’m not “complaining about complainers”, I’m saying the amount of pure toxicity and negative non helpful posts is staggering.

In fact to acknowledge your point of criticism I even say…

" It’s a beta! This is a chance to make useful suggestions and collaborate to get some things worked around. Not post threads like “game sucks getting a refund” “everything is ugly” “this class sucks” “D4 is an epic fail” "

However you just like many others are welcome to your own view points and opinions.

Have a great day!


For the world boss i did double hydra for damage fire shield enchantment for survival and then as much freeze potential as i could muster to stagger them. on the second spawn I found out that if you stagger the boss literally last second you can get a couple extra seconds to finish them. I i ended up providing most of the stagger and we barely pulled it off. I thought they were going to barely get away again. That last second stagger really turned that into a great beta experience.

I don’t know where all the haters are coming from, I loved the beta. It had so much to do and explore that I felt the beta period is actually short. I loved the dungeons too, the variety of environments and dark atmosphere felt great. I played Barb and died several times but by the end of level cap my barb was pretty strong and I was wrecking enemies all over the place, totally loved the feel of actually getting strong. I welcome the open world aspect of the game too, can’t wait to traverse large areas using mounts. I think it’s only going to add more to the game rather than taking anything from it.

The graphics look awesome, performance was great. I played everything maxed out at 4K DLSS and it looked and performed perfectly, huge upgrade over D3 washed out graphics.

Combat was pretty engaging, never felt boring, grinded a lot of dungeons. Level cap bored me out a little bit as I was not able to invest in new skills anymore but it’s beta so we can’t ask for everything. A lot of the stuff is missing from the final game so I don’t know why people are complaining so much?

Story is more dark and deep than D3 story, so no complaints over there. Story telling and cutscenes are specialty of Blizzard and they always deliver.

Over the course of playing several games including all Diablo games I learned one thing that you cannot satisfy everyone, people love to complain. Even if they’ll give us a D2 remake with these graphics people will still call it disappointing, they’ll say it’s missing some of the good aspects of D3 or lack innovation, I can bet on that.

Overall happy with the game direction and hope they only improve it from here.

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I guess you don’t know Blizzard. This is a complete game. A few bugs fixed and it will be almost identical on launch.

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I started the game and i was a bit meh lagy crap and so boring combat…,
“because i only got a 1050 2gb…”

But then i found out about fidelity option and image sharpen and all my " lags /bad fps was " was mostly gone and the graphic was looking decent… i kept doing my quests and trying to enjoy the world. after the right settings mostly on low /med, the world still looks great and it was nice to explore. as soon as i started reaching a bit higher lvl getting more skills and the right legendaries droped the fun increased alot.

I think the story was okish, just like the initial char progression. slow but steady going…
lots of quests everywhere in quite a big area to explore. i seriously enjoyed it and i been quite critical of blizzard “lately”…

But after testing D4, lvl all 3 possible class’s to 25 and completed almost every dungeon there was to do. i can say this beta had 10x the content d3 had at beta stage. Not to mention i barely seen any bug, and we ddnt had a cashgrab tradepost like d3 tryed to have… so in my opinion that is a ++ for blizz on d4…

I love how they tryed to go a bit back the roots. and cut down on the power creep d3 as become…

Either way people need to remenber this was a beta, and as all betas it comes with issues, I personaly had no trouble with conections or Q times at all, and only dc 2 times in 3 days. lucky maybe…

I seriously had a good time, and i cant wait for the next weekend to try out necromancer and druid.

Keep it up, Blizz

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To be fair here, you’re making a lot of assumptions about D4 that you couldn’t know for sure are going to happen to suggest its definitely way better than D3.

In D3, what was considered " viable " greatly depended on what you wanted to accomplish in any given season. If you were trying to do the Seasonal Journey for the cosmetics, damn near every build could pull that off with ease. If you are talking about clearing GR 150 in competitive times without needing to be Paragon 4000 then you’re right. The main culprit for that though was how strong they made the few tier sets over time. They never gave ever single set the same love when they could, nor did they take the time to prop up obscure legendary items that would allow sets to be replaceable sometimes.

You’re assuming that when all is said and done that the devs in D4 aren’t going to what ever other Blizzard game has done since their inception, have imbalanced item combinations and never take the time to prop up " most " combinations because it would take too much time.