I'm sure I'll get the hate

Lol that statement right there shows how ignorant you are or are just plain trolling. Good day sir.

So the talent tree is what makes the game better than 2-3? I’d argue the graphics and story are nice but I haven’t experienced anything incredible with regards to the talent tree so far.

I didn’t say the game was better than d2 you are extrapolating my words to suit your opinion. I said it took the best things from them.

Though I have enjoyed the story so far I def agree about the NPCs haha There is this one lady who does like the potion shop lady and a bunch of the others; and to me she just sounds like somebody doing an impression of an accent. Not even a remotely good impression either. She pulls me right out the experience every time xD


You’ve got mine, so your efforts have been rewarded.

And that’s the talent tree?

You’re just trolling at this point good day.

have you even tried putting a build together ? or did you come in here thinking magically one of the blizzard devs would log in and say “ok listen do this, do that, use this skill, apply this legendary, use this skill, use these stats. AND BINGO !!! you are a true arpg gamer” !!! cas honestly that’s what i am making out of what you just said !!! if that’s the case then yes please refund the game and enjoy D3 for the rest of your life with devs handholding you and giving you a free set every season.

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I did put one together from what I’ve played. Just some random stuff, didn’t feel any different from what I’ve done before.

If you put skills in a random order no wonder you didn’t have a good time lol.

Fanboy cop-out, right on cue. Try addressing the statement. The skill tree in D$ is nothing more than a different (NOT NEW) expression of the D3 experience.

It’s how I played, still didn’t see much a difference in terms of game quality, based on my experience.

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where is before ? please don’t say D3. Otherwise you are legit trolling

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You played wrong then sorry you didn’t understand how to use a skill tree. Not a good reason to hate on the game.

What’s wrong with D3? You’re essentially playing it now.

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I am sure both of them are trolling at this point.

what happened you ran out of gold in D4 and came to the forums for your mandatory trolling ?

The skill Twig? If you take D3 skills system and stick it on a linear path using skill points instead of just levels you end up with d4 skill twig with some extra passives.

Its very obvious to anyone looking at it for more than 2 seconds.


Nope, but I’ve got no more time to waste on fanboys. Have a nice life.

Lol acting like we have the entire tree when paragon boards aren’t even available all this hate is straight up cringeworthy with no logic behind it.

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