Im stuck pit 80 i think thats the limit im sick being 1 shotted over and over

I was pure summoner minions at first - stuck at pit 65 couldn’t go higher. Swapped to shadow minion variant- was able to push to about 75 , i just don’t see myself wanting to go higher. The 1 shot is getting out of control in pit .

Its hilarious that devs made pit scaling to tier 200 when 100 is literally godly now for anyone that can attempt it. Streamers are pushing around 100-120 max ! They are hardcore streamers that represent 1% of your players base.

So blizzard, are you happy with this kind of results? Is this the difficulty you intended to let players have ?

Personally i don’t enjoy it very much. All your design efforts and time pass pit 100 is only being experienced by small percentage of player base.

Such a waste


I tried a 83 and just got smashed back to last week myself. My character is strong and built well… and I did get he boss down to 10% but it’s just too long for a boss fight and zapped all my ‘retry’ energy right out of me.

Sure I could run so giga-mega build a streamer designed… but that’s not me.

Guess I’ll get there in time as gear creeps up a pinch more.


don’t underestimate upgrading your gear completely with masterworking. it has such an impact. I have all my gear at 8/12 and 5 pieces at 12/12.
I am playing minions but completely off meta, using kalan’s edict and Tyreal’s might, my damage is not great but with 2 flasks (20% life and the 15% life) I have a massive amount of DR, all res is 78.5%, armour cap, 50% dodge, 67k life and can therefore just stand in all the machanics on the boss.
At 109 my damage is starting to be a problem, but I am still very tanky though some boss mechanics still 1shot if im not full hp.

Thats one thing I need to work into my build, high Dodge. Hum…

I’m going to say “yes” they’re happy with it.

Just because pit level 200 exists, doesn’t mean that want people to get there yet.
This season has undergone major changes to balancing and gear, and the expansion will undoubtedly come with more. Perhaps new systems for more power, perhaps more paragon points, perhaps more levels.

With all of that, we will be able to push further, but they’re not going to want people to get to 200 any time soon, especially not without the absolutely best gear and setup that is possible in game, and pretty much nobody should be able to attain that setup in the time a season is active.


with the 20% of your maximum health as healing on dodge, its insane, and if you don’t run tryeal’s might you can get another 8% dodge with 10% chance to fortify.

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Ye wish my luck ever finding a Tyrael might lol

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well i didn’t wait for luck, I got 2 sparks from the season objective and the season journey, then killed an uber boss and got a free one, then found 1 uber unique, which i salvaged. so with 50mil gold + 4 sparks i made it.

Just chain run stage 62 to gather mats and downgrade them to the alchemist and then upgrade all your items to master work stg 8

Masterwork all my gear to 4 made me jump from tier 60 to 90 without holy bolts with necro. And my gear didnt have GA, just normal affixes.

Masterworking is super powerfull

No one is required to beat lvl200 Pit.


Yes! You’re not meant to reach pit 200. nobody will. Try again next season when more power creep comes into the game. You should view the pit as “infinite” and you go as far as you can and call it good… or take a long hard look on your setup and try new builds/gear etc. That’s the game.

I barely put any effort in this game and I cant be one shotted, speed run pit 100s, pit 120 is the limit of the damage I can deal in order to complete rather than anything killing me, remember this WORDs, unconditional DAMAGE REDUCTION, and several layers of defense, fortify, dodge, max ress. stack it, and yo are fine. Stop following streamers those guys are terrible lmao.

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I just did an 80 after getting most of my gear to at least 9/12 some are 10/12. I also beefed up my health and +defensive passive skills. Lilith hit me with her waves and took me down the maybe 50% health.

I’m seeing a pattern here with necros pushing higher levels of the pit purely with DPS but once they hit the hard parts they aren’t tough enough to survive. You can’t ignore the importance of defense.

Did a bunch of runs tonight in pit 80-95 in a group and it was a blast. The one-shot mechanics force you to rez teammates in a high-stress situation. It was epic. Try in a group.

I am SSF … I don’t play with anyone , game shouldn’t punish solo playing style though.


I got stuck a few rounds at 87. I kept getting bad bosses. Then I got an easy one and killed it in like 10 seconds. Then I started climbing again. Fishing can help. :slight_smile:

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Time for players like us to get over it. You will be expected to buy gear because you will never see the right stats you want much less with the right resistances to balance them out and not have 300% fire and shadow only. So for the low price of $27 in gold you can have an almost perfect character. Instead of actually dropping stuff you need.

Rome wasn’t concurred in a day. and GR150 also wasnt beaten till many season after GR came out in D3… why must you beat the pit 200 in the FIRST season it is launched in ??? wheres the goal for next season ?

a hard pill to swallow would be that not every build or every class can get to Pit 200 within a week of season launch… does that sound right ??

i want a challenge in a video game, i want to have to train my brain to dodge EVERY mechanic or stop it or what ever from every mob to be totally 100 % peek D4 gamer to get to PIT 200… and with no season mechanic that adds power to characters i assume we wont get close to it.

take a deep breath, its ok not to beat pit 200 on launch of it… its ok to have a challenge to come back in next season to beat.

you only need to do t61 to be able to masterwork fully. it is good we have a challenge. its also good no one can complete 200 yet. its something to aspire to in future seasons