Im stuck pit 80 i think thats the limit im sick being 1 shotted over and over

Pls don’t tell me the Power creep is already planned. That is the dumbest thing Blizz ever did to diablo and it totaly wastet diablo 3 and probably ruined the second addon.

Are we going full circle again?

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Then whats the point of pit? Another D3 every season power creep on power creep?
I just thought that content should be interesting and not just be another startup for power creeps fiesta.

the hope is the power creep is small 1-4 % a season, and so it takes a good time to simmer and mature into a beautiful game…

without power creep the game gets STALE every season, repeat same build, same distance in PIT achieved … WHY ?? a soft power bump every season makes the seasons worth playing, bring up some old builds you theroycrafted to just getting that last “piece” of new gear added in the season to finalize a build you where wanting to try.

where is the fun without power creep ??? its like playing Mario 1 forever, and nothing changes. The princess is in another castle …

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She’s in world 8-4

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but the last castle maze was a mind freak to figure out…

i have pit level 100 “on farm”

have you consider runing bone storm and blood myst and skeleton wariors all 3 aspects to shadow damage

bone storm shadow dot aspect

blood myst proccing corpse explosion (witch explosion you make to deal shadow damage)

skeletors deal shadow damage aspect (greatly help with cooldowns cause they hit decrepify targets)

its offensive/defensive setup blood myst is almost perma up and bonestorm aswell

40k hp and barier and 60% damage reduction +

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I remember in d3 the first couple seasons when greater rifts rank 1 was something like gr 56 no where near the 150s …

I’m currently at pit level 73 I think it was. My 30 minute old bash barb got his butt kicked by the boss.
Haven’t master worked any gear yet as the build was thrown together . Switching from double swing devil.

So I’d imagine 90s will be achievable. Without too much work. Fyi I hate the boss fights in this game . The camera needs to be zoomed out more on boss fights .

yeah, 80 is the absolute max for me too even after optimizing my gear according to build guides. the general trash mobs are not even an issue but the boss at the end just has way too much hp

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Tier 100+ is definitely possible but not worth the time to grind. It’s all about gearing anyways towards the endgame. The better gears you have, the deeper you can go that is also provided if you’re playing a good build and not just any random ones.

Thank you. Just because 200 exists doesnt mean everyone is suppose to reach it.


currently does not matter at all if you do Pit 80 or 100 or 120. e.g. there are no leaderboards.
so why making a post that you are stuck at 80?
if stuck at 60, yes, ok, because you can not masterwork 9-12, but if you can do 80 you can smash 70 so…

Post like yours don’t help anyone here, it sounds more like you are bragging about how elite you are and everyone else is terrible. You don’t say what toon you are playing, how you accomplished tier 100 or stacked protection. All you are saying is how good you are and how terrible anyone else’s builds are who actual try to help other players. You put down build sites who are there to help the average player but offer nothing but derision.

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I don’t think they are planning power creep but just look at all the seasons in D4. Every season makes the game easier and faster (power creep) so the track record, so far, says that trend will continue.

Blizz won’t understand the post, but there’s a very valid concern here.

My barb is speed farming 91 pit for mats to msaterwork. I have 2 uber uniques on, beat every boss in the game, and am purely doing it for the fun and to carry some friends.

I can still randomly get bad boss+echo lineups and take some deaths during the farm. And the reward is 50 nelth, which I need an INSANE amount of to fully masterwork an item (include re-rolling it, and trasmuting the nelth down to blue mats).

And the rewards, on top of the terrible amount of MW mats, are a meme. You can up stygian drop rates by 1000% and literally would not be enough, so I can’t weave uber boss farming into the mix. I fill an inventory from farming 91 pits and have 3 GA items total, which are all garbage. And get a negative amount of gold from the occasional deaths/repair-costs.

Pit needs a lot of love.

Very stupid AF take.

Not only is there 0 precedent for the BS you’re saying, D4 has always allowed itsplayers to reach the pinnacle of power every season and even preseason.

When the game released, NMD T100 was very difficult but possible. When AoZ released, same thing. When The Pit was brought to the PTR, guess what I’m gonna say next, genius…

Silence, false prophet. Your foolishness is exposed.

Oneshot mechanics have to go NOW.

with that logic they will have to come up with a new “end game” thing every season (witch is ok in my book, but realistically not going to happen)

and lets re-hash NM dungeons/AOZ/PIT is all the same system ? would be cool if they KEPT AOZ in the game instead of making it last only 1 season…

whats next, the “swamp” ??? get to swamp level 300 in this next season !! it will be super fun to do ALL of it !! … see what im getting at ? insert next “greater rift ripoff and add 100 levels” is this what your wanting ?

I’m gonna have to switch builds or find more uber uniques(only have 1) before I can progress any further into the pit. Sucks.

Or Blizzard could buff some builds so each class doesn’t only have 1 viable. (Double thumbs up)

i could prolly do near 80 pits if i feel like pushing & pray for forgiving boss rng. but today i decided to take it easy & just relax in the lowest & easiest tier to farm neathiron at 61… boy was i in for a rude awakening, 5 runs in a row with 11mins each to do the boss but all failed due to boss rng hating me today. im nearly 12/12 gear & got brutalized at 61 repeatedly bewhewhew

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Most skills still suck too compared to these “top builds”

This season is a failure imho. Its the same game. Even worse in some ways when you do get a godly drop only for tempering to ruin it, actually terrible.

I don’t know why they have so many mechanics intended to waste the players time intentionally. Leave RNG at the drops, lets us customize the damn loot after how we want without this lame rng. It’s an illusion of success because sure it makes leveling to 100 a lot easier but you can’t do the endgame unless you get these god tier rolls which is lame, and then you have to google a specific build for a specific ability. Like, that IS the game lol… At least in POE it doesn’t feel like my time is being completely wasted.