Im sick of this mechanic

Yeah, that journey should end when you find something better.

It’s not a “journey” if you never get the chance to use it in the first place because it was an upgrade until you bricked it, and then it wasn’t.

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Well no, it wasnt an upgrade because the item wasnt completed. An item is only completed after tempering.

You can still use the item but if you have a suboptimal role it may not be an upgrade so the search continues.

This is a really tired argument.

The search needs to have an endpoint. Finding a usable base item should be that endpoint. The search should begin anew for an upgrade to that, not for something essentially identical to the thing I just had.


We had that before S4 and it was aweful looking through 100s of items for that 4/5 / 5/5.

The new system is far superior but that doesnt change the fact that legendary items are boring and itemization is :poop:

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Another silly assessment. As if how much you post dictates anything. Careful, you are getting closer and closer to 1k and becoming that which you judge sir.

Fair enough. While I do like this new system, there is always room for improvement. I would not mind a little bad luck protection for multiple rolls of the same affix.
I do understand what is being said that some of the excitement is deferred due to the concern of the coming rng. To me, it’s less about diminishing it but actually two different points to get excited over. But I have learned to temper (no pun intended) my expectations about my rolls. I also don’t trade since it’s a hassle. I mean, if I need more gear… I just go punch the loot pinata that is Helltides.
It’s not that I don’t see what some people reasonably are saying such as yourself. I just don’t agree with hyperbolic takes like this thread.

I went through stages of it coming back this Season after a year right after Launch just like you.

  1. Tempering seems kinda cool. And getting used to playing again.

  2. Omfg I hate this

  3. Well, I stuck it out and have a few good Items after playing all Season so far. Had to grind but was it worth it? Not really.

  4. It is what it is.

  5. All Tempering is, is a way to get us to play longer.

  6. Just deal with it and hopefully they Buff Sorc and do good for Season 05.

It’s a hate/hate relationship with me right now. I hope they change it.

I think just being able to reset the tempers would be the fix. I like the tempering but let us spend 2 stones and some gold to reset so we dont have to junk that 3ga item

Stop commenting things you have little experience about. Standard builds are easy to setup but not optimized builds. With how much bricking is happening, D4 has easier time setting up optimized builds via trading, even if SSF.

Good luck on optimzed D3 quadfecta and trifecta primals or high roll ancients.

The level of optimization between 100-200 hrs of D4 on 1 build requires roughly 350+ hrs on D3.

Hence D3 vets are acustomed to not get items they desire. The D4 loot problem is independent from D3 cultures. Players are no longer D2 era with or w/o D3.

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Just an idea here, how would it look if we used a drop item for the “temper affixes” and worked that separately. All the RNG and bricking involved, then when we get what we want finally we fuse it with our items.

Ya! I mean those whiners forced the change to items, forced the change from the crap launch D4 had, but DONT LISTEN TO THOSE WHINERS. lol you sound rediculous.

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I agree its like blizzard did this to set up a black market for greedy players. Tempering and bricking items is so dumb. If i have the cash to reset it let me reset it like masterworking at least

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