Im sick of this mechanic

Tempering. Get rid of it. Its hands down the number 1 killer of any fun in this game period. This mechanic needs to be completely reworked. After hours upon hours of grinding you finally get a drop that’s worth keeping only to be turned into garbage because of tempering. If tempering remains in the game as it is im done 100%.

I left this game right after your launch. I didn’t return until people said its good now almost a year later… However, this single mechanic has completely ruined any hope of progressing into the pit. Item after item has been bricked on this garbage system. it has to go and I mean today it has to go. REMOVE the limit on how many times you can do it and I’ll stick around anything less than that BYE. For real get rid of the limit today right now dont wait do it now. STOP RUINING MY FUN


I agree stop griefing every player in this game, Buff Barb and nerf Sorc don’t forget.


Tempering isnt for the weak for sure. When an item drops its incomplete. Am item isnt complete until after you temper it.

The system is far superior to what we had before. Yes they can tighten up manuals for example lets say FO could be:

  1. Cold dmg
  2. FO radius increase
  3. Chance to double cast FO
  4. Chance to chill
  5. Chance to freeze

Limits need to exist with how simplified loot is. All they did was remove the need for a loot filter and put more power to the player. Sure you can have a suboptimal roll.


Disagree on getting rid of it but while I don’t mind it I do think they should use a resource, like Stygian Stones maybe, to act as a way to unlock a temper. It puts a cost so you can have items cycle out of an economy to some degree while retaining a way for players to dedicate themselves to an item

Genuinely curious, how many items have you bricked? I think on my Necro I am maybe on three or four through the whole season. “Item after Item” honestly makes it sound like it is a common occurrence for you


This system is not superior to anything. It completely ruins items. Why? So they can get more game time out of me? I dont want to stick around with this system in place. I wanted to power up my character but nope tempering says no. I wanted to have fun but again tempering says no. They need to remove that limit now. SAY NO TO ANTIFUN MECHANICS.


Shame you couldn’t find any posts on the subject to add to and had to start your own duplicate thread. There’s such a shortage of tempering related posts.


3 or 4? wow that must be nice. ive lost 4 just today… 1 3ga 2hmace, 1 2ga 1hmace, 1 2ga gloves, and 1ga pair of pants. ive replaced maybe 2 items since i hit 100 and ive sunk some seroius hours into the game. Just finding the stuff is hard enough having it brick before your eyes is just wrong.


On the flip side, I have yet to find a 3GA, heh. A decent number of good 2GAs but I don’t think I have had a 3GA even drop and not one to temper

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I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. People sure do have short memories. This new system is hands down a million times better and less punishing to players than the previous one with the bloat of useless affixes.
People seem to forget the slog of having to sift through so much useless gear. Now the affixes are so much more meaningful and rewarding and the trade of is some RNG.
I have bricked enough gear to build a house but I love this new system.
If there is one thing that I would ask it would be to have a little bad luck protection in that if an affix rolls more than twice in a row, it is removed from the list of possibilities for the next roll.
But if they do nothing. I am A-ok with that too.


Sorry don’t have a short memory cause this is the first season I’ve actually place since launch which was horrendous. This system is a complete FAIL. How is a system that allows a 3ga item to be fundamentally worse than a 1ga item any good? Bricking items is not good at all never has been never will be.

yeah right keep lying to yourself

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No. You are NOT allowed to put words in my mouth bud.
You are free to have whatever opinion you want but that is it.
I completely disagree with you. Period.


I didn’t put any word in your mouth you did. They’re just lies so stop lying and you’ll be fine.

Lol, I don’t care to waste my time talking to a brick wall. Think whatever you feel you need to make yourself feel better.

Edit: Comes in here stating that this is your first season back and telling me what I believe or do not… the audacity.

I think you need to listen to your own words. I to can disagree with you and i think youre lying so there prove me wrong.

Poor little pony, you wouldn’t be missed. Please go and don’t let the door hit you!



Love to hear how bricking an item is fun care to explain?


This is why catering to ungrateful, entitled whiners solves nothing. They always have something to complain about, and no matter what adjustments are made, they still aren’t satisfied and expect more and better – completely disregarding how bad things were in the past. It’s exactly what they were like in WoW and probably every other game out there.


I.think its a shame that this is a common thread gripe :person_shrugging:

Maybe, just maybe, blizz should think of looking into this. Its only been a problem since the season launched. :roll_eyes:


It’s a game,go farm some more. I’ve bricked most every 2 or 3 g/a I’ve found… I’m getting used to it.

You do not need perfect gear to win this game. I think i got a couple 3 g/a that worked out. Other then that most gear is 1 or 2 g/a if any g/a at all. They just have good rolls with a g/a

K they already said it aint going anywhere. So have fun playing whatever.

No, they really dont. As they explained items need an end journy.

Yep, and its not that people dont remember its because they cant get past there own entitled feelings. This is the D3 effect.

You bricked nothing, just rolled suboptimal :smiling_face_with_tear:. I got super lucky with my 3ga offhand. I rolled 2 perfect tempers so i have a BIS item. I still have excitment over it because tempering is a good system.

Yep, they will always whine and complain about everything.

The entitled will always have temper tantrums :grimacing: