Im freaking getting tired of this mini disconnection ON TELEPORT

Nope I still get disconnected and says same thing :confused:

I got nvidia gtx1060 an ibuypower computer. I forget my processor and stuff. Every other game works fine. I got an ssd also btw.

I sent you a friend request to try and help figure this out.

After talking with you Wolf, I think part of the problem you are having is whatever they broke with the patch affects you very predictably since you are using a Verizon Jetpack to connect to the internet.

As I had discussed, that is great when you have no other option for your area, but its also one of the twitchiest internet ISP options. And the more devices you connect to that, the worst it will act.

And with Diablo IV being one of the most sensitive to disruption with regards to internet connectivity in general, it makes for a bad combo. And now with whatever they changed in patch 1.1.1 on, its simply more sensitive to anyone with a connection like that, and a system that is not a high performing one makes it worseā€¦

Hopefully they will address this issue soon.

Thnx for trying to help me man :+1:

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Yeah I understand what youā€™re saying, I only have my desktop connected to it right now though.

But yeah I can teleport to a nm dungeon fine, but if I teleport to a city I disconnect.

Still experiencing it

Is the disconnecting when teleporting still happening?

Yes itā€™s total crap, every damn time! Screw the patches they give us increased experience to shut us up about their $hit of an unplayable game instead of dedication servers they pocket profits for these inexperienced incompetent devs who by the way look like some of the monsters in the game hahahaha screw this. Path of Exile till death.

Has nothing to do with connection I have 1 GB fiber connected through ethernet and itā€™s only this crap game that does this!

There have been people that have claimed these things before and found out later it was their connection.

Not many, but some. So while I understand you think there arenā€™t issues with your local hardware, your ISP or your speed, that has no bearing on whether you may be having a problem.

Keep in mind, I know Diablo IV is one of the most sensitive to network issues games I have ever played.

But while that may be the case, it also can mean that any little problem on your end or your ISP, or the path between you and Blizzard will muck up the connection and bork the game offline.

I have the perfect example, right here on my personal machine:

I have two internet services here. My primary is Starlink Satellite. My back up is Centurylink/Brightspeed DSL.

Starlink is fast, and works great with nearly everything but gaming for me. Why? I have these trees that block a tiny bit of the view. Not enough to cause constant problems, but enough to block it for a second or so. And thatā€™s enough to kick me out of Diablo IV.

But when I use the much slower 8MB DSL line, it works perfectly fine, no disconnects, no lag, nothing. However, when it goes down, it can go down for an hour to a day at a time.

The other things to keep in mind on your end:

Wireless vs wired. Wireless has its own unique issues, and no two wireless setups are the same. You have differences between the router/access points, the wireless card in the system, not to mention signal quality, which is affected by distance, other wireless networks nearby, what channel they are using, the materials of the building you are connecting through.
And donā€™t get me started on how much having multiple devices can affect the wireless performance. A router with a couple of devices connected versus one with say 20 devices connected to it are going to perform WAY differently.

I always hardwire my gaming rigs whenever I can, to eliminate any issues with the local connections. That goes for consoles as well. If any console I had actually had a network port, I used it over the wireless. Same with my TV here. Its hardwired, since the wireless was always glitchy with it.

So you can sit there and spout your connection is fast and it canā€™t be the issue, but trust me, there is always a reason, and its not always going to be just ONE thing.

Again, not letting Blizzard off the hook here. They need to fix D4 so it isnā€™t so damn sensitive to network issues.

But be open minded about having issues, even on your end.

And from what we have been seeing with regards to the teleport disconnect, it seems to have a smaller window of time for the chance to drop the connection while teleporting, and it seems to be worse if your system responsiveness is not as fast as some systems.

Good luck.

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I hear you but iā€™m not on a wireless connection, also itā€™s not just me, the technical support forum is all about lag, rubber-banding, crashes, disconnects so it is obvious whoā€™s mistake it is as it canā€™t be all these people especially in Europe!

I get a disconnection EVERYTIME i use any portal and teleport not to mention the lag and the above mentioned, whats worse is that not 1 damn person from stupid blizzard is even replying to any of this or admitting it, thats why they buffed the experience urn from 8% to 20% is to shut us offā€¦ I see how many times you reply on posts and you always say itā€™s pplā€™s connection or hardware or or or but the matter of the fact is that this is a garbage of a release (you said it yourself how sensitive the game is; well it shouldnā€™t be) whether console or pc everyone is having issues they didnā€™t have when game launched. Good luck to you too

Its not that Iā€™m blaming it all on the hardware or the players, but what I mean to point out that it can be more likely to be a problem locally than remotely, if that makes any sense.

I have encountered several cases where in fact it was found to be a local issue, either with the hardware, a router, etc. Not in all cases certainly, but enough that I will maintain that the troubleshooting thinking of eliminating local potentials first is important.

But I also recognize the game/servers have issues, so not saying Blizzard isnā€™t at fault for some of these problems:

  • Issues with performance with how the game deals with Vendors.
  • Issues with downloading updates for the game.
  • Issues with connections in general, potentially due to how the network traffic is coded by Blizzard and/or potentially ISPā€™s de-prioritizing or blocking it because they donā€™t like or recognize the signature of it.
  • Issues with the teamā€™s communication with us the players in general.

So, Iā€™m on your side. But I have to be open-minded about causation. Assumptions are not how things get fixed.

Game on.

Cheers! Hope it all gets fixed.

The thing is for me, and I have wireless connection

Beta: fine no disconnection problems

Release: fine no disconnection problems

Start of first season: fine no disconnection problems

Patch 1.1.1 : all the sudden I get disconnected everytime I teleport to a city making the game nearly impossible to play.


Guess Iā€™ll have to wait until season 2 to play, if even I can then.

Gaaahh another 3 sigil wasted sigh

Yes, I am also experiencing the same issue. I enter a dungeon, almost complete it, and if I want to teleport back to town to sell items, repair gear, etc., I get disconnected. It shows me the loading screen, takes a long time that I consider to be long (something like 1 minute of loading), and when itā€™s done, a message pops up saying that Iā€™ve been disconnected. I hope we can have a solution to this problem soon. I bought the game yesterday and still canā€™t enjoy it 100%.

Just wanted to post a possible update that may help:

This helps in some cases with networking issues, it might help here.

Hello everyone!

I wanted to share with the community a solution to the persistent problem I was having in Diablo IV. For a while, I experienced disconnections every time I tried to teleport, which was obviously quite frustrating.

After contacting Blizzard, they informed me that the problem was related to the type of hard drive I was using. It turns out I had the game installed on a traditional hard drive, and they pointed out that the gameā€™s system requirements specify using an SSD for installation.

With that in mind, I bought an SSD, installed it in my computer, uninstalled Diablo IV, and then reinstalled it on the new drive. Bingo! Since that change, I havenā€™t experienced any disconnection issues when teleporting.

I hope this tip is helpful to anyone facing a similar issue. Sometimes, the solution can be in the more technical details.

Good luck!