I'm done. I'm out

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Come on Bodach, you know better than to engage with these bozos. They are really good at gas lighting and endlessly replying with quality content like the quote above.


Sadly their social and grouping tools in game are absolutely non existent, so I doubt you will. :clown_face:


Already playing it and enjoying it a lot more than D4.

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As a Druid, I finally felt like every battle wasn’t a slog last night. So, I like the patch (so far) :slight_smile:

Wtf *** reaching 5k Post …

The forum gameplay beat the actual game .


hit the wall hard with your head.
if nothing changes do it again and again and again.

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You are out?
The pillar of the community. The man that everybody knows.
This game is doomed.
How I’m I supposed to go through this game without such important community member?
This is shock for me, so I will quit too.
P.S. I’ll try to make my resignation from d4 tomorrow because I don’t see any reason to play when you can’t keep up. Why would I?

K. Kinda weird to make a post telling us you’re leaving on a forum account with only 1 other post.

Why did you even open these forums?

So, you are leaving because game is getting too hard for you?
Well, that’s sad. I’d say pathetic, but some dude whose partner “draws a line at pvp” will report me so, let’s say “gameplay challenged”.

I notice I shut you up for about 3 hours.

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Yup. Crappy balance, most items are bad, season has less “content” than F2P game seasons, general combat is slow and tedious. Worst ARPG ever.

You don’t have enough storage space.

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Can you imagine a world where a company looks at data and uses it to make their product better???


He get paid for saying all others a troll…

game is worse now then before and that’s saying something. i personally don’t have time to play all day, the leveling past 50 has made me almost quit the game. ill wait for this next patch then im probably done.


Still waiting on this response

Good riddance bruh cya, hope not.

Me when people respond to public posts on a public forum on public Internet:

:rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: