Im convinced unique drop % was lowered

Have been running a dungeon for the last couple days, Literally non stop for 4-8 hours. 2 minute average per run with almost zero down time between the runs. You do the math…

I have gotten ZERO uniques in two days. The only unique I was able to find was from a NM dungeon reward. I was averaging 1-3 per hour earlier last week. Now either I have the worst case of RNG or something was stealth nerfed.

On top of that I play druid and my loot table is bugged. Its hard enough getting a Tempest Roar as it is. I hope its just bad RNG

Since there are no broken elite spawn rates anymore and Nightmare Dungeons are the best places to farm uniques now the drop rates are completely fine. It’s like 2-5 per day depending on how many dungeons you run down.

Sadly you have the same unique drop chance in a level 21 NMD as in a lvl 80 NMD.