If I was making this game - Bring on the "who cares"

  1. Bring back trading.
  2. Use seasons solely as a vehicle to disseminate NEW uniques / items into the Eternal realm.
  3. Institute a slot machine system for drops that allows players to increase efficiency in pulls by acquiring new items/changing builds.
  4. Bring back MF. Do it right.


  1. Trading was at the heart of D2. I KNOW a lot of people who post here don’t like trading because they are scared of talking to other people. Or feel like it somehow diminishes the things you find yourself.

None of that is worth taking it out. Trading allows you to find a bunch of decent things and get an awesome thing over time.

It is the equivalent of blizzards current mentality of giving players a (overly) streamlined power creep by upgrading items stats little by little based on amount of time played.

The main difference, is that finding something like a Titans Revenge after an hour or playing, and trading it for an SOJ, which you know is 1/40th of a windforce gives you significantly MORE dopamine. Its not about just playing and playing forever. You ALWAYS have a chance to get a massive boost to your wealth. That chance makes killing things fun … ALWAYS. Not a grind.

  1. Seasons are horrible. Why would anyone want to give up all the time they invested just to play a slight variant of a gamemode you’ve already played.

But seasons can serve a purpose. They need to supplement the Eternal Realm by bringing new items into the fray where you can only obtain them in the Realm. Then when characters swap to Eternal, you have a set of items that will never be reproduced. Giving players a reason to play the seasons other than just wasting immense amounts of time.

You’d actually come out of the season, into your eternal realm, with new items that will get rarer and make you richer over time.

The items released would need to be crafted with the same meticulous care that a lot of trading cards are made. Diablo items and the uniques need to be cards that you can mix and max to make awesome unique decks over time.

  1. Since d3 - everyone seems to want to run through massive amounts of enemies in large packs and just explode them.



Since when did that become fun? It creates too much variance for a game you need to constantly grind in. I want all my good drops to come from a single slot machine pull…killing a boss.

The mobs from the start till the end should serve merely as a tool to slow you down. And the better items you get over time should serve to speed you up.

This system was in place in D2 and it still works great. Because you want things to be simple, and you want to feel good.

  1. Why MF? MF is a specific affix that grants better drops - but it needs to do it at the cost of other stats, lowering your power. In d2, they wrecked the stat because every great farming item had MF affix pinned on top of it, without lowering its power.

If you bring back MF, players get to choose whether they want to gimp themselves with an MF stat, and supplement it with SKILL. Which gives players the ability to choose how hard they want the game to be. If they are skillful, they can completely deck out of ther characters with MF and play harder and focus more. While other players might want to just faceroll through enemies while having less MF.


Magic Find is the single worst affix and design in the history of gaming. All this affix does it force devs to balance for it which means you need MF gear to get back to the levels you would have been at if it dint exist. Look at the history of MF and see why it got deleted from game never to return again. Its never coming back and for good reason. A major part of the player base would immediately revolt.

Trading they are doing that. Everything tradeable in D4.5 except ubers.
There is just no easy way to do it. Third party websites should not be norm. Here is how to do it → Auction House = https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/d4/t/the-case-in-favor-of-a-s4-auction-house

Legacy items are bad. It turns away new players because there are items they can never get. Leads to players quitting.


I should be able to electrically shock irl other players I don’t like.

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Seasons in D4 are basically leagues from PoE. The things people like stay in the game for the most part and add to it. It took PoE 10+ years or so to get to where it was as a live service game that gained in popularity.

Also seasons do add new items to the entire game and even new content to it, not just seasons.

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Well, to do that you have to be a Sith Lord or be a sorceress or a wizard?

well, then , reading you , if you were “making this game” i wouldn’t play it that’s for sure.

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why do people keep calling the diablo IV sorcerer a sorceress, it’s labeled as a sorcerer in game

this is like trump calling the opposition against him a witch hunt instead of a warlock hunt

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because people are used to D2 where it was only the sorceress.

also in the same manner : witch hunt is something known in human history since medieval time.

warlock isn’t.

Also , as far as i know : witch hunt doesn’t necessarily mean only female even if the term “witch” is usually female, in medieval time and nowaday : “witch hunt” is used for both male and female : being hunted for something.
: it recall to a point in history where people would hunt like madmen someone else or a group of people : often unfairly and on false basis


Because that was what the first sorceress was? Did you play Diablo II. Not only that, but did you play ROS as a Wizard? The Wizard either being male or female still has her as being there master.

Can we please not mention he who shall not be named and is orange ever?

I was skimming when I saw the “Seasons are horrible”… LOL. Picked the wrong game did ya?
It never ceases to amaze me how people refuse to acknowledge the fact that this is a game based on seasons. It was advertised as such and it has been stated ad nauseam by the dev team that this is a game based around seasons.
But yet, for some insane reason… it does not sink in.

love how all you people seem to love where D4 is. when in reality, the appeal has never been lower.

does it hurt your snowflake feelings so much to hear that your opinion is the bad one?

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The mf system was addictive. There was also balance in it. Sadly it wont return because people dont want to balance out there gear or have an mf set to run around.

I could care less about trade sims but the loot hunt in D2 was great. Everything in d4 is super common in comparison to D2 so if they brought an mf system they would need to balance out to drop rates.

D2 loot hunt was fun.

Isn’t it still? I seem to recall that its still up and running.

Oh it is, and if I had a desire to play a clunky game id still play it. You can still desires things. Just like casual bob who wants 8 hours of gameplay every 3 months that doesnt want to play D3 anymore :person_shrugging:

LOL, ok.
Then there is the door bud. I am all for positive changes. I am NOT for a core part of the game; a part that I happen to love, is continually being attacked. Specially when the dev team has stated ad nauseam that this is a seasonal game. But feel free to be offended by facts.

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Hey man I think you are right in every regard which leads me to this: Just give up it’s over.

D4 wont ever become anything like D2 it is a fundamentally different game build by a completely different team with a waaay different idea in mind of what the game should be like.

It is D3. Run around blow up, “grind” (whatever that is).

Come to PD2 instead. Season starts tomorrow.

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Because the class is “Sorceress” and “Sorceress with Facial Hair”.

What part of seasons do you like exactly?

Cause i didn’t say to get rid of them. Maybe reading isn’t your forte?

Did I not say I was skimming your post when I saw this? Oh… I did!

The seasonal aspect. I enjoyed it in D3 and it was the reason I bought D4. Since it was clearly advertised as a seasonal game.