If I was making this game - Bring on the "who cares"

No player would support MF if they knew the true effect it has on the game by seeing it in the code and how the devs are forced to manipulate the droprates.

You start with a game with say 5% droprate on item X.

You add magic find to the game with a 300% limit. Item X along with all other items are deemed broken if they have a 15% droprate so what happens?

Item X droprate is reduced to 1.66%.

This is how magic find is implemented into games.

WE already know this is what happens.

Congrats you can now get back to where droprate would have been the entire time if MF dint exist by carrying around a full set of MF gear and being gimped and getting carried.

Educate yourself on why this affix is so bad.

speak for yourself. You’re simply acknowledging that you are not creative and lack any ability to improve a system.

Its you. Not us.

Haha not creative. I have more creativity here than any other forums. Hundreds of posts and likes. And creativity has nothing to do with magic find.

Face the facts. MF is erased and will never return. You poor post and insults are not going to change that.

says the guy that says nothing