Ideal Pit Changes

Please note I am updating as people suggest additions below.

Edit: Stricken lines have been fixed.

  1. Boss health should be chopped by 1/3 overall.

  2. Echo damage needs to be chopped by 1/2 overall.

  3. Sharpshooter also needs to be removed from the boss table.

  4. Repair needs to be enabled in the Pit. I personally would prefer a repair NPC spawning at each boss portal.

  5. Increased starred items the higher you go.

  6. Stygia drop rate needs to be quadrupled (minimum, should honestly be what seems like at least 8x). Pit level 70+ should be 20-25% drop rate. This one in particular I will not give way on and will give you a week to acknowledge, otherwise I will be taking a break until it’s fixed. Just did another 15 pit runs today (85-90s), ZERO stygia. - Edit. I decided to keep going until I got a stygia. It took me over 40 85+'s to get ONE stygia from the pit.

  7. Remember the last level I entered. Stop making me scroll.

  8. Put a third floor (minimum) in EVERY single pit map scheme. I have had to run back to the first floor a few times because I run out of mobs to prog on. I also have had a singular instance where there was literally not enough mobs in the whole instance to spawn the boss portal.

  9. Group play NEEDS to be a thing. One of my favourite past times is having a few drinks with my boys in Discord and farming some M+ or Rifts. Punishing group play in pits (less resource reward) is probably the dumbest thing you have ever put in this game (and that says a lot).

  10. Remove boss resistances. Why do they take ~20% less damage from the mobs at the same level?

  11. Dying on the boss should spawn you in the hallway just before the boss room. Every. Single. Time.


Health and damage changes just slide the scale of pit difficulty over, nothing fundamentally changes by doing this. The same experience will be had just farther up in pit number. 4-6 are legit no doubt.


Not if you apply the changes specifically to the bosses. The bosses are wildly overtuned.


Only under the assumption that you should be able to reach a certain pit level. If they slid it over by reducing health and damage you could make the same argument when you can get to pit 180 but cant get to 200. Its relative.


There are 200 pit levels. Why is it so difficult to make it appealing for all players?
Let pit level…
001-099 for casual players.
100-150 for the elite
150-200 impossible at the moment


Disagree, the boss health / damage should be relative to the trash mob strength.

As it currently stands, there are many builds that have crazy AOE and single target damage.

Sorc does not have one.


At this point I’m considering offering a mathematical equation for monster HP and damage progressions lol, I mean it’s getting really weird that 4 seasons in we still have the same issues as we’re having :thinking:

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Repairs in the pit are pointless. If you break your gear by dieing 10 times, you wont have enough time to finish anyways.


Nope. I’ve had time to complete and gear is broken, was maybe 100/90% when I entered.

If that is your stance, repair my gear when I enter. Why make me run to the stupid smith every time? That defeats the purpose of standing there spamming it to farm.

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i agree to most. also to add group play and ppl that accept can contribute their runeshards, so that everyone gets the same amount of materials and chance for stygians to drop.


I’ll take your word for it but you’d lose 13.5 minutes from dying 10 times to break your gear. That doesn’t leave much time to kill monsters since you’re most likely walking a little to get back to where you started. You’d have to actually be flooring it through in the remaining 1.5 minutes AND still kill the boss.

I feel like in the pit your gear just takes damage by playing. I’ve gone in a few times with 80-100% gear, died like 2-3 times and my gear has been broken.

Pretty sure there’s some bug with pit and repair levels, perhaps when my minions die I take repair damage or something stupid. I’ve had to leave the pit multiple times to repair my gear, even when I go in with no icon and only die once.

Having no repair damage taken in the pit or having a way to repair in the pit would be great. Or they could just fix their game so that you don’t have to be at 100% and not die at all in your run.

Yes, I meant to add this. Just did. #9. Thank you.

First death is 30 seconds. Second death is 60 seconds.
Perhaps I was 80% on my gear. Regardless, it’s a dumb component.

  1. You get 1/4, curved towards the top tier (less at lower tiers, 1/4 at tier 200)
  2. Boss damage in general needs to be looked at, but for the most part you should be getting killed for not evading mechanics or for lack of gear/build
  3. No, need more boss variety so he doesn’t show up as often
  4. 100% agree, though making sure you are repaired before entering is a personal responsibility thing (chances are if you broke your gear then the timer has expired
  5. 100% agree
  6. Agreed, again on a curve (like it is now, but stronger)
  7. 100% agree
  8. No, sounds like a skill issue. But perhaps a version of the “horde of enemies” mechanic from the “Slay all” task in dungeons?
  9. 9001% Agree

i don’t think that it actually will change anythin, cuz some classes have 10min boss fights with 0 room for mistakes, other classes can facetank most mechanics and same bosses take them like 30 sec.
It just overall a balance issues, nothing will change if boss hp/echo damage will change.

After running Pits like mad for a couple of days I think the most pressing and easy to fix issue is removing boss resistances. Too many bosses are more resistant to physical or whatever damage, at higher pits when I see the fat lady with the pools I just reset. I can’t be bothered trying a boss which takes 2-3 times the time to kill.

The bosses were clearly an afterthought, there are too much issues there especially compared to Helltides which are AMAZING now.

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idk how it was called in D3(cuz D3 required 0 brain activity you just can copy build from leaderboard and be ok with it), but in PoE it called eHP. It means you real hp including res pdr and other damage reduction modifiers.
And it seems to me that potential eHP of some classes are like x10 times or even more higher than others. And thats why 1shots feels so bad, personally i think that it just a matter of class balance.


I agree with this. I actually was wondering why they were taking less damage from the mobs at the same level. Adding it to the list. Thank you, bosses seem to take ~20% less damage, which is dumb.

To be precise different bosses have different HP and/or resistances, so one boss can be easier than others as in faster to kill. There isn’t much skill involved when comparing boss difficulty given that the one shots are the same.

Signed! Great post!!