Ideal Pit Changes

Repair in PIT is required as we still can get gear even the timer run out. Often I want to continue the boss fight after timer out to understand the one shoot mechanic better but cant do that due to my gear was broken.

Yes, I think in the end itā€™s about where Blizz wants most ppl to be at and mat reward at the level vs mat required for mastworking. That is, to make it rewarding for the time spent and the difficulty.

I can speed farm 100 and still feels somewhat under rewarded, so I get it when people on non meta build complains about one shot in 70-100.

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I agree with everything, except, as a solo SSF player myself, I feel they need to do more to balance solo play vs grp.

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agree with 5, 6, 9 & 10. the rest no thanks. i like the challenge and difficulty. its nice to have goals

Just remove the shadow thing. This thing coming never stop, 0 cooldown, I donā€™t really know when should I output my damage. And they are even doing combo with each other, so damn stupid.
And donā€™t scale the mobs damage anymore in high levels. Let our damage talks, not the defense stats.

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only point no 6, 7 and 9 are valid. Maybe 5.

Pit are suppose to be hard, stop crying.

  1. Increased starred items the higher you go.
    Iā€™m sure it is like this in the current game. But one canā€™t get good gear because some affixes are rare and always rare.
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in my opinion.

when it comes to groups : both for ubers and PIT : Every member of a group should pay an equal entrance fee so that they have an equal amount of potential loot.
it would also make it a bit more fair to group that are fewer in number

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1-3 are the most important

Nowadays it already has a similar configuration, I would just say that elite is 100-130 (maybe 140 before the season ends?). From 60 - 100 is something a casual can do if he plays more days in the season, considering that there is no required mats/content or something in the 100+ scope, what is the problem with the current distribution?

Edit.: Also regarding boss life, etcā€¦ If you make it easier than we have now, top builds will be even more effective. In a way that if you feel the discrepancy between classes now, it can become even more abysmal. Because of that, I think they should balance the classes, if we have a problem on this aspect now.

I would add another one. Rollback to the crafting material caches we had before the last patch. This change to 1:1 mat exchanges is absolutely insane. Before I comfortably farmed some neathiron to get lower tier mats but doing it now is just unacceptable. I dont pay 1 neathiron for 1 ingolith to exchange it to 1 obducite again.

The worst change of this season. Iā€™m pissed af.

Yup, so hard to get a cool down reduction GA and got ton of GA on stat and maximum life :face_with_spiral_eyes:

They should definitively do some class balancing. There canā€™t seriously be differences from oneshotting bosses to 10 minute fightsā€¦ :smiley:

It would make some sense if the mats for opening the Pit werenā€™t a plentiful resource. Does anyone run out of those? I donā€™t even think the cost to open the Pit goes up with Tier?

Feels like their intention was for those rune shards or whatever they are called, to be a resource we would need to go and find more of in order to keep pushing the pit. So far thatā€™s not been remotely the case for me so either they did away with that idea (in which case just make the rewards equal) or they miscalculated the balance.

I would like to see that Blizzard removes the damn runeshards for opening the pitā€¦
Nobody has fun to farm these shards in nmd/helltideā€¦

And any death after that is 90 seconds each.

Boss health should drop by 50-75%! its absolutely idiotic that you can clear a dungeon with 6mins remaining and then the boss fight takes 30minsā€¦ i get the tree boss and spent 6mins fighting him and took off less then 1/4 of his health.

so the tree boss needs 75% health reduction in my opinion.

Echo damage is annoying, but i can live with it, but fighting a boss for such a long time I end up quitting and just standing in abilities to die is unfun.

I agree on the stygian stone drop rate being hugely increased. I have so many mats for the uber bosses, but cant run them because of no stygian stones. An alternative to this is make all uber bosses even the low level versions drop 925 gear, then at least we can run them and use up our huge supply of matts.

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i mean guys how this make sense?

Ok letā€™s pretend that they will nerf it and then what? 2 min boss fights for sorc instead of 10 and still 1 shots by necro/barb?

What will this change? I kinda agree about shadow 1 shot mechanic but i literally canā€™t understand why boss HP matters if we have this class balance.

this would make for an experience that is 75% clearing a dungeon (the fun part) and 25% killing a boss, which can be fun if it doesnt drag on for 15mins. So you reach your pit limit for your gear/build when you are unable to clear fast enough as well as kill the boss fast enough.
Right now, you can clear a dungeon with 10mins remaining (so you spent 5mins doing the fun stuff) and now you are on a boss fight that will take so long you wont finish it before the 10mins are upā€¦Is that fun? not remotely.

Echos shouldnā€™t even be a thing in there. I stated this during the PTR and feel the same today.

Itā€™s ok, all these stupid one shots and unneeded bosses just being annoying will get people to hate these as much as NMDs eventually. I canā€™t stand NMDs due to remembering the insane off screen one shot mechanics and The Pit is headed for the same feeling from numerous players.

I canā€™t stand the gear upgrade system at all currently. RNG on items, RNG on tempering, RNG on master working. It takes too long to get a single item at 12/12 that it feels extremely long and unrewarding.

Right now, the most fun I have in the game is leveling which is a shock to me. Unfortunately, it may be time to take a break.