Idea of Soul binding items is sad

I use terms from WoW:
Soulbound - cannot trade or give the item to anyone.
Accountbound - can give the item only to the characters bound to the same account.

In-game chat is probably going to be slammed by bots because of gold sellers.

I won’t envy the official D4 discord mods either 'cause they’ll probably get swarmed by bots too at some point. As long as any given botter thinks they can find some customers there.

'Tis a long dark dungeon, that one. I hear the final boss has a terrible bleed effect along with an instakill move at the end of the month.

I like this idea of soul binding, because in other games when you see some strong character, the first thing you assume is that they bought all this gear and it wasn’t their luck or commitment.

Now however, it’s more likely they worked for it for themselves and in some aspects its earned unlike when these things are traded or bought.

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Or disable trade alltogether so the game wont be full of bots after a week…

I was able to pass down items in beta. Not sure if that changed.

i rly never understood 2 things about Diablo games:
1)Why do someone buy anything with real money in the game where your main goal is to look for those items and build your character?
2)Why do anyone care about those type of guys in the game where is 0 ranked activities such as pvp and etc?
RMT buyers for me just look pathetic cuz they literally turn their game fun and experience in nothing.
But trading is always good for the game and bots and RMT sites should never be an excuse for restricted trading.

A legendary modified item?

I can answer the 1st question.
It’s because some people don’t take games as an experience, instead the only goal is to get the BIS in every single slot, the way to get there doesn’t matter. People don’t enjoy the grind, just the feeling of finishing the grind. Beacuse of that they’re ready to spend money to skip as many inter-steps that lead to the final build.

Im sorry you have zero idea on why soulbound is so important.

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Yellow, right?
I’m pretty sure, I swapped items from Necro to Sorc.

But now you’ve got me second guessing myself.

No, orange. Yellow ones are rare.
Legendaries have special effects that boost you in an unusual way, for example every second you stand still you do 20% more dmg until you move again

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I thought they’re called uniques.
PoE got me confused with all these terms.

And I’m not sure anymore if I’ve kept them on my necro or swapped to my sorc, so let’s just assume I didn’t switch.

I think having things bound to characters isn’t good, because sometimes it fun to play one over the other and it’s nice to be able to farm for your alt.

¯\ (ツ) /¯

All items should just be untradeable, then we dont even need the soul bound term (albeit it is technically account bound here).

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Different people have different resources at their disposal. Some people have more time than money, and other people have more money than time.

People who have money but little time still want to be able to play the game, so they’re thus willing to spend money to skip some of the grind parts in order to still experience the endgame.

This question I can’t answer. I don’t get why people care at all. It makes zero sense.

Even in games with ranked content… its not like you can tell how your opponent acquired their items, and its not like there would be exclusive items only available for money, so its not like it would actually impact anyone’s experience except in their own heads.

Uniques, from what i understand are similar to legendaries mechanic-wise, but are supposed to be extremely powerful → incentivizing players to change their whole builds. So legendaries are complimentary to a build, while with uniques, its the build that is complimentary to the unique power.
If my memory is correct, uniques are also green.

Haha, and here I was thinking greens are sets or as if they were that in D3.

I popped back into D3 last week and I was surprised how strong my character was/is. Put a lot of time into it and now I forgot quite a lot.

Played PoE as long afterwards, but that got dry, so I’m stoked for D4, but I definitely need to refresh my memory on these things.

Think of uniques - as full sets but cramped into a single item.

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personally i got money , and less time , i still don’t understand nothing justify using real money on illegal RMT in my opinion

i might not have much time but i’ll play at my pace , i don’t need to have everything handed to me, it’ll take a while but i’ll get everything i yearn for on my own : which is the goal of a farming game.

pretty much yea

are you sure ? i thought for sure they were gold.
orange being legendary and gold being unique (or the reverse)

And that’s fine. Nothing is stopping you from doing that. But different people value different things in different games. Someone who really enjoys end-game - perfecting builds late game, and hunting for perfect items… they might not want to waste what little time they have on the part of the game they don’t like. And thus they might be willing to spend to get to a baseline powerlevel - say level 70 with basic legendaries - and then work on the late-game, which is what they enjoy, themselves.