Idea of Soul binding items is sad

Remove the idea of soul binding when items are equipped or rerolled. Most rerolls are meant to get rid of the terrible final stat of the item, anyways. But of course, it should show next to the item how many times it has been rerolled, which would reduce the value of the item, since rerolling cost increases. The whole idea of not having self use of an item is silly. Use the item while your in need of it, then pass it on or trade gear for gear when you don’t!.. But no. People will cheat their way into getting free gear from others, of course.

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You disagreed with them in your other thread but they said it better than I could.

Basically - You alter an item in any way: Account Bound. Period.(D3 does this and there’s a popup warning you about it - I 100% agree with this system)

I have an idea for open trading AH that would actually work and make RMT virtually non existent and curb botting for all purposes but leveling.
My idea would still BIND your items if you altered them one iota.
This should always be the case. You’re “personalizing” it. Altering it. It’s no longer the fresh drop.
Is what it is.


Maybe you misread what I stated in my post. I said REMOVE the idea of Soul binding, entirely. It would be better off for the game to not have it. Also, if someone gets to reroll maxroll for a good item, he deserves to bid more gold for it. But ofcourse, it should show next to the item how many times it has been rerolled, which would reduce the value of the item, since rerolling cost increases. This in the case for fair trading.

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I, as well as the poster I quoted, am disagreeing with you.
Modify an item = Bound. Forever.

As for an AH:
D3 AH/RMAH model was absolute disgusting garbage. Pure putrid trash that should never be repeated ever again.
You DO realize the Corp skimmed a 15% off the top of ALL gold and RM transactions?
You DO realize that said 15% of x - up to 2 Billion gold - then went right into the RM gold sale RMAH?
You DO realize that such implementation globally affected ALL drops and herded the sheep TO said AH/RMAH to keep the profit cycle~circle of greed~ going?

I don’t think they’d ever make a non-direct profit scheme-AH - therefore the idea(and mine as Utopian as it is), is likely moot and obsolete.


There should be a 0 tax deduction with AH. Botting may exist in future D4, but it just means people need to get banned, Auction House or not. And if nothing can really be done with implementing an Auction House due to people selling gold online and get around the bans somehow, then at least trading without soul binding… but no

In a perfect world my friend…in a perfect world.

Diablo 2(and ofc D2R) - If you aren’t Bot, You’re little people.(Credit: altered quote from original Blade Runner)

If there’s a shortcut and a will there’s a cheater or RMT waiting to cash in.


Well, we don’t need a perfect world for trading, at least. And soul binding has no use for this game… Right. In a perfect world.

It’s here to stay.
For better or worse.
Personally, I’m glad for it.
After what I witnessed in D2(+R) and D3(Ah/RMAH) and have seen in other game titles? Dear lord.

Honestly: Blizz is off the rails NAIVE to allow ANY form of trading whatsoever in this day and age.

I’ll be the first to uninstall and never look back if my town or World Boss experience is Local Chat flooded with "buy itmes at teh best site blahblahblah dot geegee dot geegee 24h service fast delivery etc etc :face_vomiting: "


You bring a great point. I don’t like this game to turn into massive chat spammers, either. Although, in my experience in D3, trading has only bettered the game. I also wished I could trade account bound perfect items that I had replicas of, but couldn’t because I equipped and rerolled them for max benefit during my own gameplay. Trading in anway will hinder this game, sadly. I appreciate this conversation.

There’s the rub.
Others will find a way to capitalize on it - in any and all ways.

Quick look into the idea I had…
Simply a Single Trade Trading House(not “AH”). → 1 Trade = soul bound and done. Yours/Theirs forever.
In-Game farmable Currency. → with a CAP(no “billionaires” or Tycoons)
Regulated trading. → Item levels dictate maximum posting price.

Philosophy: It wouldn’t be about “Gearing up a complete character” - It would be about “Finding that 1 item or 2” to complete a build or alt items etc.

Just something “middle road” I was considering when the “TRADE vs No Trade” debates were going on.

No trade without a complete 100% removal of any ability for the buyer and seller to connect in meat space. MageCraft you should refund now then because the way it is now with what is open tradeable the chat is going to be spammed, and I predict Blizzard is not going to do anything about it.

Nah. I just realized the reason there shouldn’t be any trading at all is because it’ll simply have the #1 guy being #1 because he is the one with all the connections for free gear. It will severely ruin all competition and the whole point of farming for gear in this game to be pointless. This has sealed it. I appreciate the input. You guys have led me to this ultimate conclusion. Man… wouldn’t it be nice if everyone played fair, though? only reason none of this works is because of petty corners and evil. Wonder if there was anyway they could make it somehow work, against all these odds


The only way to keep the AH from ruining drops is to keep the rarity of things you find on the AH high. The best way to do that would be to only connect you to a limited list of sellers each day. Like you can see the stuff offered by 20 other people today. If none of it is what you want, come back tomorrow.

It’s that scarcity of connection that makes it viable in D2. Otherwise, with millions of people farming shakos, there would be tens of thousands of them on the market after a few months and the price could never keep up with the demand.

You could put a cap on price, but if that means no one ever sells a shako, you might as well make it soulbound.

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Path of exile did it perfect

You can’t effectively bot endgame in that game
You don’t have gold there also
There are sites supporting player exchange

I wonder how it will be in diablo 4
Do i just go d2jsp for a shaco and windforce like in d2?

Then don’t play the game.

only rares and below are tradable

Legendaries and uniques, including the powers on them, are not. You have to find the shaco yourself

I like PoE, too, but some people do buy currency with $ and then buy whatever gear they want, so that problem still exists

hmm rares with perfect stats might be worth someting

but im not so sure if ancient or whatever they call it now items will be more powerfull

I prefer soul bound to being able to trade anything and everything. For one, this allows blizzard to balance the drop rates around every person being able to find their loot self found, compared to playing self found in a micro economy simulator like Path of Exile or Diablo 2 where the drop rates are extremely low, and you have to trade for gear. I’ve played both types of games, and I strongly prefer to find and craft my own gear over trading for it.

Also, people won’t be able to just RMT their way to victory like they can in Path of Exile or even Diablo 2. If you got it in Diablo 4, you at least earned it, and nobody can dispute it.

I hope the value on rares is pitiful at best, that would kill the RMT market, which is a good thing. I’m in full support of complete thermonuclear annihilation of the RMT market, just blast it into orbit before it even gets going, do whatever is necessary to stop it.


bad idea. besides you contradict yourself in few lines. if items weren’t bound, drop rate should be terribly decreased to balance that, since basically people would just buy items all time instead of looking for those. and as another consequence, no matter what you claim prices would skyrocket, since whenever you drop anything, being that tradable its value would be much higher than with bound items. trade is in the game just as pvp, an obsolete reminiscence to pls fans from another era. but in itself is not defining anything and superfluous nor needs any improvement. if anything sooner or later in another sequel of the franchise, just being fully removed.

It will most def be like that with legendary affixes being tradable.