Idea of Soul binding items is sad

Personal use bot for leaderboards is much less bots than with any amount of open trade. They need to make an anonymous trade interface where there is zero kelvin chance for the buyer and seller to make any type of third party connection, and also make any traded items bind on trade. Gifting to party members in your group when an item dropped is handled as a completely separate transaction.

Then I don’t understand how what the devs said it is related to what I was saying :woman_shrugging:

Devs said that Rares can have up to 6 affixes, while Legendaries can have up to 5, so in the endgame extracting the Legendary Power and putting it on a Rare with good rolls will always be better than simply using a found Legendary as is.

I never got involved any further into this discussion than pointing out that botting is a bad argument to make stuff soulbound.

I never denied that there are actually legitimate game design reasons to do so - even though I think that the negatives mostly outweigh the positives.

you said yourself :

because said post was talking about the devs vision and they talked about what should be souldbound or not.

anyway that’s going round and round i was pretty much stating about soul bound item too as i said multiple times , the bot part was what i said personally and is usually common sense the more possibilty for bottings or anything else the more incentivizing there is for doing so.

they didn’t say that actually , it was a website that said it from datamining but these might not be correct since it was a low level beta.
especially since in all diablo games , higher level legendary had more affixes than low level ones.
look at gull dagger for example vs any high level unique like andariel visage

but that being said when i said higher affixes i didn’t meant the number of affixes but it’s range, i might have used an ambiguous word so i apologize i meant the range.
like going between
50 to 150 vitality
or 120 to 300 vitality.
it seem that people often forget about these.

also some affixes (outside the “special effect”) can be unique to legendaries and uniques and not findable on rares like some others diablo game.

eitherway everything will be seen once game is released.

personally i think the contary by far.
but that’s too my personal opinion anyway, hard to argue with opinions.

outside of that my main concern would be the number of character slot which seem a bit too few (considering it’s 9 or 10 only for everything in total while it’s a game that has eternal realm , hardcore realm , seasonal realm and multiple builds possibility… )

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Maybe quote the whole sentence:

It was solely a response to you bringing bots into the discussion, not about any pros/cons of making items of a certain rarity account bound from a game design perspective.

I was talking about a dev stream from month ago where they were (among other stuff) talking about having trading in the game and wanting it to be relevant part of it - which would require to have at least some of the best items in the game to be tradeable.

Glad to hear though, that this is now confirmed by data miners to still be a thing.

You can’t really compare D2 Uniques to D4 Legendaries.
D2 Uniques don’t have random affixes like Legendaries do, but a fixed and “unique” arrangement of properties that doesn’t follow any consistent ruleset.
The closest thing to Legendaries in D2 would be Crafts, where you have one part with predetermined properties and one part with up to 4 random affixes that could also appear on Rare items.

When it comes to Rares then the maximum limit of possible affixes is 6 - even on low level items.

At least in the beta the affix value range on Rares and Legendaries has been the same.
They initially planned to increase the range for Magic items (like it was in D2), but that apparently did not happen.
(or at least I didn’t find a single good Magic item during any of the Betas)

This is exclusive to Unique items in D4.
Legendaries always have 1 Legendary Power and a bunch of affixes that can also spawn on Rares.

You are probably right.
Let’s just agree to disagree on this one :sweat_smile:

TC wants to buy all his gear lol. Credit Card build.

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I know it’s a game, and certain exploits ought to be prevented. But I have to agree. It’s silly being able unequip something but not able to trade it or give it away. Personally, I think trading is fine, but what they could do instead is limit trades to item for item where the vendor sell values are within a certain margin of each other, but not gold. That way, people can’t just buy stuff off others, or trade a low level white for a high level legendary, removing the economy from the picture. It also ensure someone has something of approximately equal value to actually trade.

Why not have multiple servers like POE. Let self found solo play on their own server and everyone else who enjoys trading play together on a server. Doesn’t seem that difficult.

if POE had SF droprates, but they still using the trade droprates as far as i know, so progression takes forever if at all. Not really fun.

But yes two different leagues is a good way to cater to both crowds if you implement it right, and not like poe does.

And to be perfectly clear the no trade League needs to be SF not SSF. SSF is a challenge mode more in line with things like hc. Its a mode where you can only use the stuff you find on this particular character. where SF the mode that is wanted, here you will be able to find gear for alts too and equip it, so basicly a normal mode only w/o trading.

Haven’t people been complaining for decades about RM trading websites for D2 and D2R? Here then, you’ve got your wish, a severely limited ability to trade in D4.

I do think that if an item is modified in any way, it should be accout bound.


want a real, practical application of that? (free trading, of all items, legendaries included?) go no further than d3 ah times. i remember selling a simple disgusting belt for 100m+ (yes over one hundred millions). and that’s just an item out of my mind, but there were plenty of. everything on sale was basically at eyewatering prices, since basically you wouldn’t buy what you could drop yourself, only worthy items. and that made immediately the price of each item just a bit better than the garbage anyone would find in simplest dungeons runs, madly expensive, in the idea (totally correct) that noobs and those who hadn’t time would simply rather pay through their nose than move their lazy back and try to find. no, free trade isn’t an infation limitator. at all. not theory. simple practice, right in our eyes. we’ve been there and done that already. should better not forget how that went, to avoid repeating.

No, it wouldn’t.

Soulbinding makes it so the most efficient way to progress is to play the game rather than the most efficient way being ‘find a third party real money auction house and buy an item’

I love soulbound items in games.

The one thing I do wish they’d change is adding something similar to what d3 and wow had where items that drop are bound to the party for 2 hours first, so that you can really feel like you’re progressing as a party. Finding an item thats perfect for a friend you’re playing with feels really cool.

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Ruthless is the new meta for SSF. SSF does have the same RNG calculator Ruthless does not its been halved or more.

Lol were still trying to preach this IMPOSSIBLE nonsense.


What kinda trades are you worried about?

Meat space?

I agree that Soulbinding items must be a thing, but having trade in a party like D3 would make soloing very sad. They would have to implement a Looking For Group que that’s better than D3 if they are to make that a thing

Never felt sad to solo in d3 myself, so not sure why having the ability to share loot in parties would lead to that.

The thing is, the botters will most likely have physical disks for D4 rather than downloaded on the console. Only way to get rid of them, is to brick their console/ pc……
Or bring back CD keys (everyone remembers those)……

uh… you register the license to your bnet account… most ‘physical’ releases of Blizzard games don’t even include a cd last I checked, just a key for the game to add to a bnet account.

A question:
Do the items get soulbound or accountbound? Because if you can’t leave your old gear for your lower level characters (like you could in d3) - then that’s an awful system with just less replayability.

I’d hope acct bound if soulbound means no transfers between toons……

Hmm, ok. Didn’t know to be fair, it’s been an age since I bought a bliz game on disk, last one was sc2 wings which had a cd key.