Drop Chance/Level Speed/Legendry Ability Modifiers

D2 drops were absolutely insane rng and I do believe D4 should be, in fact, EVEN harder to get gear. In D2 It’s very long to level. In D4, imo, It should be just as long. And finally, the legs should absolutely not have flat damage/defense stats that are so dam boring. Instead, have ability modifiers for infinite types of OP builds to try.
Now that I got that off my back, I first believed… an auction house for this game, specifically, will be so beneficial, since gold is highly important and infinitely more so, during the endgame. Also, remove the idea of soul binding when equipped and rerolled. Most rerolls are meant to get rid of the terrible final stat of the item, anyways. The whole idea of not having self use of an item is silly. Use the item while your in need of it and pass it on when you don’t! Auction House might be a stretch with gold, though, due to past game problems. But hey! Maybe Trade gear for gear? Only thing I don’t like about this is people that giveaway OP gear to one person and that person becomes #1 because of connections. Oh, no. That may be exactly why soul binding has a place and why items become tradeable ONLY to your party in D3 and that’s already a lot. Now I’m thinking everything should be soul bound, except for the party you stick with for a limited time. Trading during drops in a party is already a huge stat increase and now I’m thinking can be a bad idea when considering how many are just gonna play it solo on top of this. Trading gear can actually severely ruin competition and if that’s where this game is going… then we are gonna be in trouble…

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I’m down if trading and gold trading are limited to the AH, only, except gear can still be given to people that helped earn it in your group.

This means at the very least people will have to earn the gold they purchase top items with. No buying from farmers And also some way to prevent selling a normal white item for insane amounts of gold, because RMT farmers will use that to trade gold.


I would like that. Similar to D3, but allow it to never soulbind, so we can decide to sell it, instead of eventually salvaging a good piece.

If you reroll or change the item in any way for custom self use it should soulbind the item. No pimping an item to get a higher price than it’s worth when it drops.

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