Idea for the Nightmare Trip


How about adding some variety to the Nightmare dungeons? I believe everyone is trying to avoid them after completing leveling their glyphs or boosting their alts.
Basically add a portal appearing randomly in 30+ tier leading players to another level of a dungeon with max power loot drop and a boss at the end with uber unique chance. Similar to Cow level or Whimsyshire - WE REQUIRE an easter egg level and a purpose for keeping doing NMDs.

What do you think?

I did an entire writeup on how to make these fun. Not sure on your idea but u are in right place.

Nightmare Dungeon Affixes = Nightmare Dungeon Affixes can git gud with this updated system! 👍

ChallengeDungeons = Challenge Dungeons make you git gud!

Dungeon Rarity = Dungeon Rarity brings all the boys to the yard!

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Greatest minds think alike :smiley: lol