I use a program to help with disability Blizzard told me they may or may not ban me

…except when streamers exploit and tell others to exploit shakogate. Then it’s OK to break the rules - Blizzard themselves have even said so.

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Welcome to Blizzard. It’s the Gaslight express! Hence why they will remain as noncommittal as possible in any communication. Not just customer service issues but look at their live stream, labor lawsuits from state governments, etc.

Yes they can ban you as it’s a private non public service. However by doing so would open them to charge back liability.

US consumer protection laws surrounding charge backs are actually pretty specific. Since Diablo 4 requires both an internet connection and account to function it would be considered a service. A SERVICE charge back is valid when you buy and then they tell you or you have reason to assume you will no longer receive the product or service you purchased. This CANNOT be waived by consumers even via an EULA. Otherwise every store would be printing that you “waive rights” on receipts. Note this is vastly different than a nonbinding “no refunds” policy in a store.

Yep, after Shakomania ran wild and they blatantly refused to remove them, Blizzard has flat out made it clear that their ToS isn’t worth a damn anymore.

I don’t think we can blame Blizzard for that. A lot of companies used to care about their customers but, as a collective whole, gamers are a little pathetic.

We pre-order games from companies that have burned us in the past. We accept awful unfinished games. Criticism is almost always toxic. It’s always combated by rampant fanboyism, and people shilling for multi-national corporations.

There’s literally no reason I can think of to treat gamers well so why should anyone, let alone Blizzard, care about our opinions? People will keep paying for cosmetics that are barely different from previous releases so they can lord it over others that cannot afford it.