I took notes while playing. Here's my top 10 feedback

Hi all. While I was playing the beta this weekend, I took some notes whenever I encountered something worth offering in feedback on, and I've consolidated that list here into a forum post. Thanks for taking a look.

1. Missing Semi-Transparent Map

It would be helpful if there was an option to leave a semi-transparent map open, so that players can easily keep track of their location while working their way through to their destination.

2. Item Stat Ranges

It would be helpful to have the option to view the ranges for item stat rolls, as this would make it easier to determine the value of items and help players make more informed decisions about what to keep or sell. Why make us alt-tab to get this info?

3. Mouse Scroll Wheel for Force Move

The ability to use the mouse scroll wheel for force move would be a convenient feature to have in the game. D3 had this option and I preferred it. An option to use our D3 binds would be great, too.

4. Distance to Stash

The distance to the stash feels too far away, which can be frustrating when you need to switch out gear or deposit items. It would be great if the stash could be moved closer to the player or if there was an option to access it from your inventory (in town).

5. Forced Backtracking in Dungeons

The design choice of forced backtracking in most dungeon to unlock the boss door doesn't feel great. Maybe let us carry all the pedestal items at once.

6. Non-Combat Pets for Looting

It would be great to have pets like those in D3 S28, or at least ones that can pick up gold and materials. This would make the looting process less tedious and time-consuming.

7. Disappearing Dungeon Icons

It is frustrating when discovered dungeon icons, such as pedestals, disappear from the map when players move away. It would be helpful if these icons remained visible so that players can easily locate previously discovered items.

8. Alt Friendliness

I love all the account-wide progress. It's a lot of fun to explore this game on alts, so thank you for making this so much more accessible than some other games. Please keep going down this route!

9. Cellars in the Game

I don’t understand the purpose of the Cellars in the game, as they don’t seem to provide any significant benefits over just continuing on in the over world. Is there something I'm missing here?

10. Collecting the Look of an Item

It is disappointing that players can’t collect the look of an item when they extract or sell, only when they salvage. I think we be able to collect the look of any item we pick up, so long as we are the last player to own it.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my feedback.